Practical, Integrative
& Comprehensive
Healthy Living Resource
NOT a Wellness site.
This is a self sufficiency portal.
The term Wellness is just another euphemism to prevent
our right to be in control of our own lives.
Just like 'alternative' & 'complimentary'...
You don't need to try and fit in; (look where that got us).
There is an absolute wealth of knowledge, skills and resources
out there, yet most people don't know where to look,
or who to believe. We've spent a lifetime filtering
fact from fiction and we are here to share.
People say they want to be self sufficient yet give so little
thought to our health, how many get to really enjoy it?
No more beating around the bush. No excuses.
No more just accepting things we can change.
You either make time and invest in your health now or you
will eventually make time and invest in sickness and dis-ease.
How do you feel? What do you need? Do you know what works?
Perhaps you are confused and don't know what is right for you.
Chances are, what you are searching for has already been
written about on this site. There are always answers
and solutions. This site exists to help you find yours.
Your resource of free fact-filled health articles, penned through decades of multi modality health practice, research and study. Filtering out the fiction, and providing you with pure, unadulterated truth.
You Are Welcome.