There are so many diets out there today - many which almost hit the mark but still don't quite get it. Many people ask ‘how’ to lose weight, or how to achieve the right pH. The truth is, if you are asking, it means you are keen to try anything & unfortunately do.
There are simple steps to ensure we reach optimal balance and stay that way. It is by no means easy to do, and there is no one single measure that will do it for us, but unless geographically you are unable to access even the basics, you too can treat chronic health issues and avoid acute ones. You can even join the growing band who do not respond to the myriad contagions in our air and water. I am not joking when I say we can be exposed to colds, flu, gastro, etc and have no fear of ‘catching’ (in reality, being acidic/unhealthy enough to have a weak immune system).
The following are examples for Australia but you can do a little Googling to find someone who can ship them to your area. It is not expensive to be alkaline, not if you do a little homework to find the most effective gadgets – yes, it can cost a lot but it does not have to.
Merely to lose weight – weightloss should only ever be a happy side effect of healthy living. But food choices are destroying our health every single day. And that is as much psychological as it is physical. We form habits and in turn the gut/blood/brain barrier is affected so the vicious cycle continues. It takes great willpower to change but once you do it is almost impossible to go back.

Nutraceutical brands who advertise heavily on TV; at first glance you may say “Yay, it’s finally legal for naturopathy to advertise.” Nothing could be further from the truth. You may even say they must be the best brands – even further from the truth. It is guaranteed, that if everyone reading this had a bioresonance test to determine their deficiencies, not one person would report 100% balance in all nutrients. The best testing method available in regards to deficiencies and individual health issues is bioresonance, yet it is illegal to freely use or advise on the results. You will soon see why scientists early last century determined that over 90% of the population were suffering some deficiency. And that was before the introduction of all the toxicity in our food chain today.
For many reasons, the main being we get our food from the ground and our soil and groundwater/tapwater is tainted/deficient. I like superfood/herbal tonics. If you just can’t stomach the food types or volumes, make sure you get a green blend supplement & a basic trace mineral supplement (colloidal).
And contrary to what our ‘nutritionists’ say, we NEED oils – good oils, not those high-heat rubbishy oils in plastic bottles – it must be cold pressed and there are MANY good oils – 90% of oils on supermarket shelves should be banned – they are complete rubbish depending on the ignorant masses who like to fry everything to death. Do not make the mistake of putting a cold pressed essential fatty acid oil into the same dirty basket as lard or dairy fat.
I’d comfortably say most people I know don’t like water. How sad. Along with air, water is THE most important factor of life. You can survive without food, but not without water. And much of the world’s water is so tainted it’s toxic. That doesn’t mean (as I hear many say) that you have to boil it to death – filtering, ozonating, alkalizing, ionising – these are what makes good water. And with a good mineral quota, by taking in a good volume of water daily, you are doing more for your health than you know. Now, please don’t go and ruin it by making coffee, regular tea, cordial etc – or think by drinking a huge volume of beer or fizzy drinks that you are doing something beneficial. You’re not. Make sure that you occasionally add Himalayan or Celtic salt – these are full of electrolytes – in fact you can make your own electrolyte or sports drink by dissolving the crystals in purified water with a little lemon juice added. Remember, for every other drink you have, you will need another glass of water to undo any effects. Unless you are just adding fresh lemon juice, herbs or good salt.
There are many gadgets that ensure good health – and most kitchens don’t have a single one of them. The stove is the most important appliance in most kitchens – second to the kettle and toaster – neither of these things really contributes to truly good health. The humble fridge is next in line but is usually so overstocked with rubbish that there is no room for fresh, healthy food and drink that it joins the others to form a toxic team that is pulling our health collectively into the grave.
If you want the Rolls Royce appliances and gadgets, you can pay big money and in a perfect world, we would each have them. But the good news here is that there are economical equivalents that are readily available. Buy them one by one to make your kitchen a place of health, rather than a place of unhealthy indulgence.
A strong blender – even a cheapie bullet gadget will do more for your health than just about anything.
A good juicer – one that really smashes the cell walls of the plants, and keeps in a ton of the fibre, is the next.
A dehydrator will allow you to make amazing rawfood snacks that most people wouldn’t even believe is healthy.
A steamer – even a steaming basket in a saucepan will allow you to lightly cook anything.
pH TESTING PEN or strips
Your pH must be around 7.4 (optimum) and initially you’ll need to test your urine a few times a day. Eventually you’ll only need to test it once a week or so as you can ‘feel’ your pH. The basic strips sold on this site provide relative pH and are suitable for this purpose once you understand the process.
Let’s face it, most bottled waters are rubbish and if they weren’t when they went into the bottle (some purine glacier in the mountains of untouched territory), they will be. Anything stored in regular plastic has the capacity to trigger many types of cancer – phthalates are shocking and take little time to form, while BPA in plastic is a known carcinogen, especially in heated temps. Tap water, contrary to what we are told, is atrocious. I once had some tested – 82 abnormalities were detected – chemicals, parasites, chlorine bleach, ammonia, fluoride (Hitler’s last hoorah – a waste product from nuclear weaponry), pathogens. And boiling it will only concentrate the contents. Bore water is the same – in fact, it has the added bonus of being tainted with all forms of waste in the soil – dumping of chemicals and various unwanted waste all leeches into groundwater (ever wonder about that smell?) A simple water filter (preferably non PCB/BPA) will suffice in removing 99% of the waste you don’t want in your water.
Some expensive machines filter, ozonate, ionise and alkalise. And they cost more than the average household can afford. Instead, I use alkaline rods that are basically mineral salts encased in stainless steel, that last for 2 years. They basically sit in your water jug and alkalise your water. Like I said previously, contrary to what some people believe, drinking alkaline water is not the holy grail of getting your pH balanced but it is a part of – or should be – your perfect dietary regime. Find them in our online store.
Ozone generation should be part of every home – able to kill parasites, moulds, pathogens – while sanitising the area – this is a must if you are serious about your health. I use mine to clean the air and water, taking out what just shouldn’t be there. It is the final step in filtration and some of the more expensive water machines can cost from $100 to over $1000 for doing all necessary steps. These gadgets wont win any medals for beauty but when it comes to health, who cares? The uses are endless and considering the average human being is made up of trillions of bacteria and various pathogens, we have to carry at least millions of unwanted ones – especially if we have poor immunity or chronic illness.
Mould and fungi are linked to everything from skin disorders to chronic fatigue – even MS and cancer. There are other simple gadgets to use when there is a known mould disorder, such as simple argon zappers – and while they can cost thousands you can also get a home-use version for a reasonable price.
AKA bicarb, baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, sodi bic. This is THE alkaline salt of choice that we all should take above and beyond all supplements. While it will never remove illness if it is the only step taken in the hope of getting healthy, it is a vital step in BEING and STAYING healthy. All you have to do is google baking soda protocol to see how many people with chronic, even terminal health disorders have managed to successfully treat themselves when medicine failed. The ONLY reason it is not flying off the shelves as a near cure all is because drug companies cannot patent or make a trillion from it. Instead, they educate doctors to say it is a toxic poison. Funny that.
Feel out of sorts? Take some bicarb. Tummy upset? Don’t rush out for gaviscon, take some bicarb. Feel a cold coming on? Yes, take some bicarb. Get your pH right and the truth is, it’s impossible to just get sick or ‘catch’ an illness.
Every home should have a blender. In seconds you can make icecream, sorbet, gelato, milks, puddings, cream, soup, smoothies, mayonnaise, dressings, slushies – all healthy, all dairy-sugar-wheat-additive free. So simple. I have so many recipes now but there are more out there –

My blender is used for just about every meal. As a result, we NEVER need to buy mayonnaise or dressings, sauces, cream, icecream, gelato, sorbet, milkshakes, hommus or dips – imagine just the financial savings. But more than that, you can ensure the tastiest meals and treats that only take seconds to whip up. Being healthy will never mean you have a bland diet. A breakfast smoothie of avocado, banana, orange, frozen berries, celery, carrot, beetroot, ginger, maca powder, soaked almonds and spinach will give you more nutrients than most people will take all day in a western ‘balanced’ diet. You can superboost it and add acai, supergreen powders, flax oil, hemp seeds, chia seeds, etc. No one will know. And while we’d all like a Vitamix, who has $1000 to throw around?
I made do for years, with a heavy motor Breville and a cheaper magic bullet – you can buy the equivalent for about $25 in Kmart… I managed to find a pay as you go system for a Vitamix and as handy as it is to make raw soups and nut milks, I can honestly say my cheapie bullet is used more every day. Only difference is that you can leave the vitamix on for longer. And it makes excellent raw soup.
Anyone wonder why Boost Juice is always surrounded by dozens of keen customers? What is usually seen as an expensive treat when you are out, can be done at home for a fraction of the price. It’s been estimated, that with the low quality of fruits and vegetables today, we’d need to eat 4kgs just to get what we NEED to be healthy. I don’t know many who can do that and besides, the fibre present would be massive. Instead, why not concentrate it and put it through a juicer?
Suddenly, 1kg of raw food becomes a glass of nutrient concentrate that tastes magic. Think of it as a multi vitamin in a glass, rather than something people only take advantage of when out… And if you grow your own herbs and vegetables – all those leaves and stalks that usually get thrown away can first become a nutrient shot, then the waste given to the chooks or thrown into the compost.
I can put 4 or 5 kgs into my dehydrator and in a day or so you have jars of fruit leather (banana, strawberries, pears, mango) that tastes nothing like the rank commercial stuff – a container of ‘facon’ which is made from marinated eggplant and liquid smoke – a jar of sundried tomatoes and capsicum, ‘raw’ biscuits that make even the fussiest eaters knock them off in minutes – a jar of dried apple and banana, sweet potato chips. It is a little time consuming but once you get the hang of it you wont believe what you can make – cheesecakes, pizza bases, cakes, pies, slices – and more – reducing your shopping bill while increasing variety.
And because nothing is technically cooked, you are getting the benefit of 100% raw food. Considering anything from 50 – 100% of nutrients can be cooked out by regular means, dehydrating is one of the best ways to ensure increased nutrient intake.
There is more – spiral ‘pasta’ and ‘curly fry’ makers, graters, slicers – the list is endless. But it is very easy to become healthy.

To be truly healthy, to be able to avoid illness and premature aging, from a cellular level, to reverse many genetic disorders and to ensure immunity from contagions – as well as maintaining the best weight for you, there is really only one way to go. Some modern popular diets follow this trend but still include meat and dairy without understanding that there is no need.
Include as much raw food as possible. Many ‘experts’ will deny this is all possible just by diet – they obviously haven’t tried it. Most people don’t realise that you are not just what you eat, but what you don’t eat. Every single day we bombard our bodies with foods we just cannot break down, so not only does every cell react badly in different ways, but by avoiding whole, super foods, we are not nourishing our bodies. A medically trained nutritionist will tell you that if your body doesn’t need it, it will just pass through , and if you have no appetite, that is fine because your body will cope. None of this is true – you may survive but you wont thrive.
The whole purpose of food is to nourish our bodies, but what are we doing? Filling ourselves with useless, nutrient deficient ‘foods’ and wondering why, generation after generation the human race is getting sicker and sicker; weaker and weaker. The good news is that we can change it. But the word change is vital – no magic pill, that idea is a science fiction lie. It takes effort and dedication. And yes, you survive , but who wants to be barely living, just for the sake of enjoying one or two minutes of food, when doing it the right way can allow you to really live, free of pain and inflammation?
Rather than the myriad utensils and appliances our kitchens are filled with, we need to change that entire way of thinking. On this diet you will rarely use your oven, frypan, toaster, mixmaster or kettle. Instead, you’ll have a water filter, soda stream, alkaline stick, steamer, a dehydrator and a blender. And you’ll use them all the time. And instead of sugar, flour, salt, meat, milk, cheese, white rice and pasta, you’ll have frozen berries, tons of raw greens, nuts, alkaline fruits, superfoods and sea salt. The funny thing is, the food actually tastes heaps better. And you’ll wonder how you ever ate any other way.
This is not to say you can never have any of the old stuff ever again – you can, but just on occasion. In fact, so long as you balance 80% healthy to 20% ‘regular’ food, you will thrive and you will see your life change before your eyes. Just remember, this 20% rule does not mean your food intake should be 20% junk.
Acids are present in every painful or inflammatory reaction in the body. Our body needs certain acids but foods that make up the staple of our diets – sugars, processed foods, bread, pastry, biscuits and stimulants, all cause severe chemical reactions in the body – dumping acidic and toxic waste into cells and in turn affecting joints, organ function, blood balance – even nervous system processes. We all need to eat food that is more alkaline, but especially so for chronically unwell people, to bring our bodies back to a decent, pain free and sickness free pH balance. Note, that medicines, drugs, even moods can cause acidic reactions in the body. This news is not new but has not been taken in by mainstream medicine. Dr Hay proved in the 1930s that sickness and pain virtually disappear if the right food is first eliminated and then the body is detoxed, followed by alkaline and neutral foods.
Of course, many people find it easier to live on drugs or suffer than give up the foods and drinks that they love. Why, I do not know – I would rather abundant health any day than relying on medicine to keep me alive (of sorts, anyway). This diet is safe and healthy for every human being and many animals. Nutrients are actually absorbed, as opposed to regular diets where food lies stagnant and fermenting in the gut and bowel and is eliminated without much being used at all. A few things need to be considered but the benefits are endless.
Firstly, a very real detox needs to be undertaken – options including coffee enemas (to kick the liver into purging and throwing out unnecessary waste and chemicals) colonic irrigation (professionally done).
Homeopathically there is this remedy, and for a fasting detox there is this. Then we need to incorporate a lot of raw food into the diet – by way of eating or juicing (preferred option for most because of convenience) and predominantly green food (alkaline).
The two charts below differ slightly but are generally the same - simply exercise some common sense and restraint when choosing your food ingredients. The idea is to eat a variety of foods, choosing predominantly from the alkaline and low acid group, with the goal being 80% alkaline to 20% acidic.
There are many extra medicines, tonics and treatments that can help. My favourite scientific website to support this is the miracle – Dr Young has decades of experience with countless cases – far superior results to any single practitioner I have ever read of or witnessed. The funniest and most interesting thing about his detractors, is the fact that every single one of them is someone who has been unable to follow the plan completely – and of course medical doctors who as usual seem to have an ego about it all – thankfully more and more practitioners of all persuasions are starting to learn about it all and follow the easy plan – the work has all been done for them.
Lots of pure water needs to be drunk every day. Breakfast, as we know it, has to be eliminated – after a week or so it is very easy. Get a serious strong blender – it can be anything from a magic bullet to a vitamix.
For more detailed and individualised guidance please take advantage of the e-assessment on this site.