Glyphosate is the ultimate destroyer of heaoth, the slow-burn silent killer. Not one of us remains unaffected thanks to this insidious toxin. For me, this is personal. If we actually take a second to examine the facts; the truth has been hidden for decades, deliberately. This post has been a long time coming. From the 90s when we natural health advocates were lampooned for daring to try to tell the truth :
That glyphosate is NOT a simple salt solution.
That it is linked to not just cancer but myriad other diseases.
That by default it is in waterways, soil, food, air and medicines.
That it is up there with agent orange, smoking & DDT, linked to maiming and deaths from the start.
And it was known. It was not an innocent mistake. It was only ever about money and control.

We have been called quacks, loons, psychopaths and liars. And they are the nice names. While the government, media and so-called health experts slumbered, whistleblowers and affected individuals formed giant groups such as March Against Monsanto, screaming against the wind. All the while, our food was being altered, sprayed and even 'ripened early' (aka desiccated) and our very seeds were being snapped up by the same company responsible, so that they could create Frankenstein's own foods. Croptopping causes seed to become infertile; and no one thought to consider what it might do to the animals and consumers. In fact, the general plan to make seeds 'round up ready' while making seed storage by gardeners illegal unless it is Monsanto approved, has done much to destroy food as we know it. So much of this cannot be undone, thanks to hand sitting and apathy.
But who is to blame?
I challenge you, the reader, to study the following list and see who remains unscathed. Back in the early 90s natural health experts made vain attempts to prove the link to :
So-called ADHD and various behavioural problems
Neural birth defects (blamed on the magical lack of a synthetic 'vitamin' - research which has provided much funding for the usual over-celebrated researchers
Autism (the vaccine link falls heavily into this category, see below)
Birth defects including imperforate anus, growth hormone deficiency, heart defect, micro penis
Cancer including brain cancers, breast cancer, prostate, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and lung
Kidney disease
Colitis and associated GI 'auto immune' disorders such as Crohn's, IBS, IBD, leaky gut and Coeliac
Heart disease and heart failure including sudden failure after exposure
Hypothyroidism including chronic weight issues and morbid obesity
Liver disease
ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
MS (that's right, multiple sclerosis, the one they say there is no known cause)
Parkinson's Disease
Pregnancy problems, still birth, miscarriage and infertility
Respiratory diseases including asthma, mesothelioma, COPD and emphysema

Don't drink the water
We are told tap water is amongst the cleanest water in the world. That is an outright lie. Among other added filth, glyphosate has an accepted level in our drinking water. 1mg per litre. Glyphosate is almost impossible - at the very least extremely difficult - to remove from our body tissue. This means it builds up as we consume more of it. There is NO safe level of glyphosate to date. Over time, every single one of us who drinks water and eats food (all of us) builds up glyphosate in our tissues.
Much is dismissed in modern medicine. Rather than quality and safety being under a constant microscope, it is seen as a wonder. Even the most evil aspects of medicine today ride on the coat tails of what is truly good. And dismiss what is inherently good. So too with the simple but misleading term trace amounts. Glyphosate is found today in many medicines in trace amounts (which accumulate). How can it not be, when our bodies have no natural way of excreting it as it is not a food? While the media, ignorant individuals, government and even experts who should know better argue for the vindication of vaccines and dismiss any claim that they are even remotely linked to the side effects listed on package inserts, the safety data of ingredients and indeed, glyphosate side effects are interestingly, a mirror image of too many vaccine side effects.

Today, as the media cry innocent, and diehards continue to argue in its defence, one can only wonder how long we have to wait until chemotherapy, 1080, ARVs and vaccines are exposed completely. Don't hold your breath, not when something that has been known for decades took this long and claimed so many lives, for the truth to see the light of day. Not when the same people funding the media, gagging doctors, pharmacists, Big Ag, and countless big corporations still receive their pay cheques from those responsible. Not when entire industries now exist, feigning to stop the toxic flood resulting from what is happening downstream.
In 2018 the media assault on the Australian drought would have a stranger thinking that Australia is the land of endless green. How can it be, when every square inch has been poisoned to some degree by glyphosate, ever since Don Burke, in all his wisdom, declared on national TV that glyphosate (namely RoundUp) is as 'safe as salt water'. So-called experts have been taking their cue from that ignorant (and no doubt paid) comment ever since.

As we hurtle toward Armageddon at a never-before-seen speed, most of it human-inflicted, most people, including the most educated, will no doubt continue to argue for their right to spray, and defend the notion of glyphosate as being anything but a misunderstood wonder. Even if Australia was the Garden of Eden, it is no more. The same goes for any lush place on this earth.
Most of us gave up on journalism to investigate for us long ago. They are in the same basket as politicians; those who do what they do for fame and money more than actually trying to take care of their constituents - and lawyers; those who are meant to find things out for us to prove the innocence of one party or another. Now that one poor man who has little time to live has made the news (interesting as few others have achieved this despite ongoing notoriety of glyphosate AND Monsanto/Bayer/insert other name changes over the years) all the media are once again feigning concern and 'reporting' with their best fake empathy. This too will blow over. And we will once again sit with bated breath for when the next Jengo piece falls (vaccines, chemotherapy, ARVs, mammograms, take your pick) and they once again plead innocence. Millions or even billions of lives do not matter. So long as they get the story.
Just don't hold your breath.