Candida, also known as thrush, is a bodily reaction that can be present from birth, especially if the baby was born via caesarian, if the expectant mother or newborn were given antibiotics or the baby is formula fed. It is a reaction, an imbalance; one that we can live with, but for our health sake, one that needs correcting.
The human body being as it is, we have the ability to fight just about every issue - IF we do things the right way. During the birthing process, one of the thousands of micro processes taking place is that of transfer of beneficial bacteria onto the baby's skin, by default, into the gut and eventually the entire body. This does not happen during a caesarian birth - in fact, if you asked a doctor to assist you with this process manually he would probably have your child removed from your care (or make you wait until the infant is an adult so they can have a faecal transplant...)
Up until recently, if you mentioned candida to a doctor, they would roll their eyes and ask if you had been self diagnosing or visiting a quack. That simple dismissal has resulted in chronic and even terminal health issues down the line.
Sadly, the development of candida begins early in life and yes, it's an emotive topic because it most certainly begins within early days - either from what the mother is eating/drinking or what is put into the baby. Then, rather than seeing it as a positive challenge, it is seen as a blame issue.

Add to that, vaccinations, poisons such as glyphosate and antibiotics within a few days/months and you have a lethal cocktail that will prevent even the basic bodily function. And let's not forget sugar-loaded formulas and baby food - or the worst of all, that wive's tale of 'needing solid food' before the body is even able to digest anything more than mother's milk (not cow's, or any other species..)
Supplementation with probiotics is not only recommended, but imperative, for both mother and baby. This alone can often make all the difference. So long as the diet that follows is beneficial rather than convenient.
Sugars (including too much fruit), yeast, mushrooms, vinegar - and any foods containing them, will cause further imbalance. The usual way most people realise there is candida is by oral or genital thrush. These symptoms only appear long after the yeast organism has spread in excess of what it should be. Yes, yeast is needed for many reasons, not the least because it takes part in the formation of hormones and assimilation/utilisation of B vitamins. BUT once hormone imbalances come into play (perfumes, dioxins, herbicides, medications, chicken, milk, meat, etc) high oestrogen levels will cause yeast to flourish unbearably. This is why many pregnant women suffer so badly.
I have had indignant women excuse thrush one of two ways; "I've always had it, doesn't bother me. My doctor says it's nothing to worry about." Or "I am not giving up my favourite foods. My husband can put up with it."

First of all, ewww, but really - don't people realise that if your body is pushing out abnormal secretions, it must be causing internal damage in the first place? We are also talking thrush being passed via breastfeeding - what about that poor child consuming it? Unusual secretions don't exist just to be excreted. That happens because there is no more room inside and they have nowhere else to go. Add some warm water to a sachet of yeast. Allow it to ferment for just a few hours; imagine that going on in your body for years! Add a little sugar and let it fester against some raw skin; that is what is happening to your mucous membranes.

There is only one true way to eradicate what has the ability to trigger reactions throughout the body - that is by changing your diet and addressing the symptoms. Yes, you can take homœopathics, wash with tea tree dilution and large amounts of vital probiotics. And there are many on the market; yoghurt is not going to do it, especially if you consider what is in dairy. But there are definitely better brands of probiotics out there...
The thing is, one organism can fast spread to millions in a short time. No bandaid solution is going to change that. You need perfect balance for just the right amount of yeast to be where it's meant to be.
Alkaline living will allow that to happen, although you will need to take those original measures just to clean up. Other signs of candida (and yes, I did already say ewww) - body odour (cheese & vinegar...), smelly feet, tinea, dandruff & cradle cap, yellowing nails, yellow coated tongue & of course, the secretions.
In babies, SM33 or similar is given to remove the topical signs only, not the actual disorder. It will still be in the rest of the alimentary tract (digestive system ie your entire body). Unchecked, candida can affect just about every bodily function involving the mucous membranes. If you imagine itchy feet or even crutch, that aggravation is going on all through the body in different ways; abnormal abdominal bloating and wind, pain, hyperactivity, headaches, weak muscles and organs, fertility issues, cycle, etc, etc - and it CAN be passed on from person to person by sharing drinking bottles, unprotected sex, etc. It can be aggravated by wearing nylon underwear BUT the main thing is diet. Removing external symptoms will not affect the internal workings one iota. See my posts on pH diet.
Sero Tonic is the dedicated candida remedy par excellence for both human and animal use. It can be used in babies through to the elderly. If there is a history of implants in any form, use the one without silicea.
Medicinally, I have seen good results with the use of Nilstat but at almost $100 a bottle (not on PBS) you are better off using probiotics. And believe it or not, enemas and rectal application of probiotic capsules results in exponentially better results.

A pH balanced diet should be followed. It really is that simple. Processed sugar is to be eradicated totally; occasional replacement with agave or maple syrup are pretty much the only sugars that should be used - NEVER replace sugar with artificial sweeteners because they carry a whole new range of health issues.
Just remember, candida is simply the reflection that they body is out of balance; the only way to correct that is to change it permanently. If you can't start that at birth, start at soon as you can and stick to it. Condy's crystals, hydrogen peroxide, Epsom salts - all great topical treatments for the hand and foot end of candida - fungal nails and athlete's foot.
So, what can we take internally? Aside from homœopathics, and bicarb to rebalance pH, there are actually measures that help to flush and speed up healing.
A STRONG probiotic to rebalance internal flora - order here
Support for the gut while rebalancing internal flora - order here
There is no one step treatment for candida - it is complex and affects every aspect of your health both in short and long term. Please get your pH right and take these measures if you want to address the whole picture.
So, what does this have to do with faecal transplants? EVERYTHING! Imagine if we dealt with the cause of your health issue from even before birth, or at least when the problem arose, with safe, gentle, effective means - instead of even considering something like a faecal transplant when the issue has become so bad that is your only perceived option!?