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Part B: What to do INSTEAD of vaccination.

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Disclaimer: The following are not merely claims. It is a summary of safe, effective treatments which have successfully been used to prevent & treat the illnesses for which billions of people are now being poisoned. It is illegal to state the obvious & sadly it has become easier & safer to agree to this madness than just take the time to research. The work has been done for you - there is no reason to take the risk any more.

Bear in mind, with exposure to, or early onset (within 24 hours of first symptoms) homeopathic Aconite can and does stop most inflammatory and infectious diseases in their tracks. This should always be the first measure taken before other treatment choices - of course along with healthy lifestyle choices.

All disease annotated with a ⊗ symbol marks it as a non-contagious issue. This is a very important point, considering much of the vaccine promotional propaganda has the world believing if we do not vaccinate, we are responsible for others becoming ill. Please also bear in mind that all vaccines have severe side effects - including symptom sets matching other diseases like meningitis, measles and influenza - the very illnesses the media and medical fraternity advises you they are trying to prevent.

Chicken pox: an itchy infection which used to be part of childhood. If managed well, lifelong immunity results.

CHICKEN POX (varicella) - and SHINGLES -

Homeoprophylaxis: Varicella zoster nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Rhus Tox, Ledum, Belladonna, Sulphuris.

Topical : Vitamin A cream. Aloe vera gel. Bicarb/baking soda/oatmeal/Epsom salts spongebaths or paste applications of same. Brown vinegar/Apple cider vinegar swabbing.

Salt, colloidal silver or thyme gargle. te) powder - mega dosage according to age/size. Teatree oil/lavender oil applications.

Herbal : echinacea tincture or capsules.

Fresh ginger beer.

Sunlight and fresh air.

Diphtheria: if managed well, should be no worse than a bad case of tonsillitis. Poor diet, acidic system and dirty water are often implicated in stubborn cases.


Homeoprophylaxis: Diphtherinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Mercurius, Lycopodium, Arsenicum album.

Herbal : garlic, echinacea, olive leaf, turmeric.

Salt, colloidal silver or thyme gargle.

Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate) large doses according to age/size.

Fresh pineapple and lemon juice.

Rubella: most cases pass without issue and without even realising. Often dismissed as heat rash.


Homeoprophylaxis: Rubella nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Gelsemium.

Herbal skin/topical treatments as for chicken pox (see above)

Herbal : astragalus, echinacea, turmeric, licorice.


The liver is an astounding organ, capable of regrowing in its entirety from a small piece of remaining tissue.
  • Hepatitis is an adult disease, therefore vaccinating children is a waste of time and money - and causes undue and often irreversible damage. For hepatic (liver) symptoms please seek professional advice. Again, natural health professionals are qualified to assist, even in chronic and advanced cases.

Homeopathic : Hep A nosode. Hep B nosode. Nux vomica, Chelidonium, Thuja, Carduus marianus, Lycopodium, Belladonna, Myrica, Bryonia, Podophyllum, Arsenicum.

As all forms of hepatitis are various inflammations of the liver and can be caused by numerous pathogens and triggers, treatment choice is never as easy as a jab or one remedy. Lifestyle choice is central - dietary adjustments, detoxing and careful remedy choice is necessary.

Bryonia 30c: one of the most potent and gentle remedies for any form of influenza

HIB (haemophilus influenza)

Homeoprophylaxis: Haemophilus nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Bryonia, Phosphorus, Chelidonium, Sulphuris.

Supplements: Antioxidants ACE, grapeseed, pinebark, circuminoids.

Herbal: Olive leaf, echinacea, colloidal minerals, turmeric.

HPV (human papilloma virus)

Homeoprophylaxis: HPV nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Thuja, Causticum, Dulcamara.

Herbal antivirals : Echinacea, calendula, astragalus, ginger, licorice.


Gelsemium (night jasmine): one of the most effective homeoapthic treatments for flu.

Homeoprophylaxis: Influenzinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Nux Vom, Rhus Tox.

Herbal : Echinacea, olive leaf, garlic, licorice, slippery elm, pelargonium, elderberry, andrographis.

Supplements : antioxidants, circuminoids, pine bark, high dose Vit C, zinc.

Measles: the disease where millions are cured at home while people still die in hospital.


Homeoprophylaxis: Morbillinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Belladonna, Bryonia, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla, Sulphuris.

Topical skin treatments as above for chicken pox

Supplements : high dose Vit C, Vitamin A,

Herbal : licorice, turmeric, lemon and orange juice, coconut water and flesh, eggplant seeds (develops immunity if given early),

Aconitum 30c: first line of defence in ANY infection.

MENINGOCOCCAL ⊗ (meningococcal meningitis)

Homeoprophylaxis: Meningococcinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Early treatment even if you are not yet sure, is vital. Treatment as for mumps and HPV (as meningitis can be caused by either of these entering the brain tissue) is important. If flu like symptoms accompanied by light sensitivity, neck stiffness, blotchy skin and extreme headaches, it is wise to take precautions such as Aconite dosage as this can prevent further infection taking hold and often prevents more illnesses than can be attributed as it does not have a chance to take hold.

Homeopathic : Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphuris, Mercurius.

Herbal : As for flu treatment above.


Homeoprophylaxis: Parotidinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Belladonna, Rhus tox, Mercurius, Pulsatilla.

Herbal : Ginger tea, carrot and pineapple juice, orange juice, garlic, oat porridge, asparagus, chamomile tea.

Topical applications (poultice) : Ginger, black pepper, fenugreek, bicarb (baking soda), aloe vera - mix any or all into a paste with a little boiled water and apply over mumps once a day. Wild yam cream (black and blue cohosh) is a natural anti inflammatory and applied over clean skin before bed.

PNEUMOCOCCAL (pneumococcal meningitis)

Homeoprophylaxis: Pneumococcal nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

  • treat as for early stage meningococcal with necessary urgency. For secondary respiratory symptoms, treat as for whooping cough. If symptoms are advanced, begin treatment and seek urgent medical care. Remember vaccination is unnecessary as it is too late and is contraindicated.


Homeoprophylaxis: Lathyrus Sativus remedy

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Rhus tox, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arnica.

Herbal : Fennel, ginger, coriander, black pepper, licorice.

Supplements : High dose Vit C.


Homeoprophylaxis: Rotavirus nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Belladonna, Ipecacuanha, Aloe soc, Podophyllum, Veratrum album, Arsenicum.

Supplements : High dose probiotics.

Herbal : Slippery elm tea. Lemon and ginger tea with a pinch of Himalayan salt. 1 ts/sp apple cider vinegar in water. 1/4 ts/sp bicarb/baking soda in warm water morning and night. Keep up fluids but do not just give water. Alternative each of these teas with each drink. Rotavirus is the more recent scare-tactics name for gastroenteritis - yes, it is capable of killing you IF not managed properly or if you do not have access or knowledge of suitable effective treatment.


Homeoprophylaxis: Tetanus toxin nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

  • The tetanus bacterium (clostridium tetani) cannot thrive in an oxygen state so simply allowing a wound to bleed will kill off all bacteria. Tetanus bacterium are all around us - and in us already. It is only when the conditions are right that it can flourish. NEVER allow a wound alone, or allow symptoms to develop. Always be pro-active. The tetanus shot takes weeks to take effect (if at all) - therefore if you must go to ER, always refuse the tetanus shot.

Homeopathic : Ledum, Hypericum, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Cicuta virosa.

Herbal : Turmeric poultice, Flax/linseed tea, Ginger, Magnesium oil applied to skin.

Supplements : High dose Vit C, Echinacea, Colloidal silver (internally and topically on wound), Olive leaf extract.

First aid : Allow wound to bleed. If blood is not flowing, gently squeeze lesion to allow blood to wash the wound naturally. Then soak area in clean water with any of the following added - food grade hydrogen peroxide, salt, lavender oil, iodine, eucalyptus oil, Condys crystals. If you have an ozonator, treat some water and soak the wound in this.


Homeoprophylaxis: Tuberculinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Phosphoricum, Calcarea carb (if obese), Calcarea phos (if thin), Calcarea iodata (skin and liver affectations), Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea.

Herbal : Umlingo wamangcolosi, Slippery elm tea. Rhodiola, astragalus, food grade peroxide in water, lemon/ginger tea.

Dietary : pH neutral diet. Regularly test saliva and urine pH and adjust with bicarb/baking soda. Avoid all dairy, meat, processed and GMO foods. Plant based diet, juices, smoothies should be the centre of a TB treatment protocol. Avoid alcohol. Take probiotics at least twice a day. Adequate sunlight is imperative.

  • One of the most medically mismanaged illnesses globally, it is also often simple to treat. No one should die of TB unless they have complete lack of knowledge or access to natural cures. While millions die every year unnecessarily, many are being cured daily just using what God left here for us to use.

WHOOPING COUGH (pertussis)

Homoeoprophylaxis: Pertussinum nosode

Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms:

Homeopathic : Aconitum, Antimonium Tartaricum, Ipecacuanha, Drosera, Belladonna, Cuprum metallicum, Cina, Mag Phos, Kali bichromicum.

Herbal : Teas made of ginger, garlic, oregano, thyme, turmeric, lemon, licorice,

Supplements and treatment measures : Mega doses Vit C daily. Zinc. Sunlight and fresh warm air. Probiotics 3 times a day. Steam bath. Warm room.

  • While most illnesses have a dedicated homeoprophylactic nosode, most practitioners believe that they are not all necessary. And while multiple doses are possible, many practitioners give one dose and are comfortable knowing that the body will respond if/as necessary. Nosode therapy is a sound principle, and the home equipped with a good dispensary is able to deal with most childhood ailments as they arise.

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