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  • What Every Mother Needs to Share With Her Daughters

    (Since this was initially published in the Nexus Magazine, 2003 vol 10, all that was warned of, has come to pass. And this was long before our daughters began to be poisoned by an unproven vaccine [HPV] for a cancer that may or may not be linked to a sexually transmitted disease. And thanks to a surreptitious campaign via TV's major crime show Law & Order, SVU female castration is now seen as normal). Whether to control painful periods or even acne, young women are increasingly being prescribed the contraceptive Pill and antidepressant drugs, despite the cost to their long-term hormonal and mental health. [Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 10, Number 2 (February-March 2003)] The Berlin Wall of hormone replacement therapy came tumbling down in July 2002 when the most prestigious study ever conducted on HRT found that the steroidal hormones, oestrogen and synthetic progestins caused breast cancer, strokes and blood clots. It’s been a downhill slide for HRT (and drug profits) ever since. The real lesson from that study is that, for 40 years, menopausal women were in fact the uninformed guinea pigs trialling dangerous hormonal drugs that made an unprecedented fortune for drug manufacturers. The world was shocked with the findings from the study, and millions of angry women defected from the HRT ranks. Women and many doctors had been cleverly convinced that menopause was an endocrinopathy–an oestrogen deficiency disease. Women were further advised that they must be saved from nature’s inherent design fault-the total decline and disintegration of their hormonal health as well as their faculties-with toxic, untested steroid hormones. The folly of medicalising menopausal women has at last been revealed. Unfortunately, the use of untested and dangerous steroidal hormones and other drugs still continues. This time, however, the medical fraternity and pharmaceutical corporations have set their sights on young women. MEDICALISING OUR DAUGHTERS? Being a teenage girl is challenging at the best of times. These days, it seems to be even tougher for both teenagers and their parents. Peer and social pressures, economic concerns, health problems, school work and family tensions all tilt the stress barometer into the dangerous red zone. Skipping meals, eating junk food and going on starvation diets is a way of life for teenagers these days. More than ever, teenagers seem to be burning the candle at both ends. The behaviours and decisions that young women make directly affect their physical and emotional well-being for the short and long term. As a result, their hormonal health is under siege. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), painful periods, irregular or absent periods, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, fibrocystic breast disease (lumpy, painful breasts), endometriosis, hormonal migraines, acne, allergies, fatigue and mood swings are occurring in young women at epidemic rates. Many girls try to ignore their health problems, hoping they will disappear. Others schedule an appointment with their doctors. Odds on, they will leave the office with either a prescription for a drug or some variation of the Pill. Modern science, rather than perceiving hormonal imbalances as aberrations created by the many abuses of modern-day living, has convinced women that the underlying problem is menstruation itself, and that natural reproductive cycles are dangerous and disease-producing and must be medicated. Women are also told that their reproductive system has become the enemy and is the primary cause for all their physical problems and emotional turmoil. The solution: shut it down. The method: steroidal hormones. A long history predates this particular perspective. The venerable Greek fathers of medicine held similar views. Hippocrates posed the question, “What is woman?”, and then supplied the answer: “Disease!” He also argued that fermentation in the blood precipitated menstruation, because women lacked the “male ability to dissipate the impurities in the blood gently and sweetly through perspiration”. To his way of thinking, menstrual blood had a “noisome smell”. Galen, another famous Greek philosopher, believed that menstrual blood was the residue of blood in food, which women, having inferior bodies, were unable to digest. The notion that menstruation is a rather unpleasant, if not downright toxic, process has been around for a very long time. So has the belief that the source of all women’s suffering resides with her ovaries, uterus and menstrual flow. The science of medicine is notoriously misogynist. While it would be comforting to think that living in the 21st century guaranteed a more enlightened appreciation of women’s physiology, it would appear that we may have to wait another century or two for that momentous event finally to occur. When it comes to understanding and appreciating the wonders of the female physiology, modern medicine is moving at a galloping snail’s pace. A recent syndicated column by a highly respected Australian medical doctor was titled “Period Disease”. A question from a reader was posed to him: “My doctor told me recently that monthly periods are now regarded by some as a ‘disease’ and totally preventable. Is this true?” His sagacious reply: “Why should women be burdened with loss of valuable blood each month, which is often not manufactured in similar amounts, often leading to anaemia and chronic tiredness? Taking the active ingredients of the oral contraceptive pill daily, with no seven-day break, solves the problems.” The short answer to that question of whether monthly periods are a disease was a wholehearted “Yes”. The sentiment that periods are a disease–or at least a most unwelcome, unproven and unsafe physiological process–seems to reflect a growing trend amongst members of the medical profession. They promote new scientific developments that can supposedly liberate women from their age-long debilitation, menstruation. Leading the charge to stamp out menstruation is the work of Dr Elsimar Coutinho, Professor of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Human Reproduction at the Universidade Federal da Bahia in Brazil, as recounted in his book, Is Menstruation Obsolete? Dr Coutinho argues that regular monthly bleeding is not the “natural” state of women and that it actually places them at risk of several medical conditions of varying severity. The author maintains that while menstruation may be culturally significant, it is not medically meaningful. He asserts that prehistoric women had fewer than 160 periods in their lifetime. (The mind boggles at how rigorous the scientific method actually was in the conduct of that research.) On the other hand, modern women, who start menstruating earlier and spend less time pregnant, have more than 400 menstrual cycles. As the champion of women’s freedom, he believes that 21st century women should be able to choose the timing and frequency of their periods, just as they can now choose the timing and frequency of childbirth. From a medical point of view he sees menstruation as a failed process, having no beneficial effects; indeed, it can even be harmful to many women’s health. In a nutshell, Dr Coutinho’s work suggests that the most medically advanced “treatment” for menstruation would be its total cessation in all women of reproductive age. The correct medical terminology is chemical castration. The intricate and profoundly complicated female reproductive system, which has undergone many hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary fine-tuning, has now been declared obsolete. Like a top-class magician, medical science now professes the rationale and the means to make menstruation disappear completely! The solution is simple: just give all women a continuous low-dose birth control pill. What progress! Dr Coutinho’s theory has many physicians and researchers waxing lyrical, agreeing that there’s no reason why women can’t opt for fewer periods by extending the use of the Pill. Whether for easing health problems such as migraines or eliminating the inconvenience and messiness not to mention the expense of menstruation, the Pill can now be taken continuously for 84 days followed by a seven-day break. In this manner, women will only have a bleed four times a year. Dr Freedolph Anderson, lead researcher of the trials for the new continuous contraceptive pill Seasonale, which will make its debut in 2004, says: “We have more than 30 years’ experience of prolonged period suppression with [intravenous contraceptive] Depo-Provera; we know there are no health deficits and that women don’t develop gynaecological problems from not menstruating.” Dr John Eden, Associate Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, reiterates that point of view: “Women are often healthier if they are on the Pill. So, now that medicine has conquered menstruation and drug companies’ glossy marketing campaigns have succeeded in extolling the Pill’s ever growing virtuosity, what has actually been achieved for all the young women who are being seduced by these promises? Are women really healthier on the Pill? Has prolonged period suppression with Depo-Provera been perfectly safe over those 30-plus years? Is this really a great victory, or a catastrophe of unparalleled proportions for modern women? SHOCKING FACTS ABOUT THE PILL Since 1960, when the US Food and Drug Administration approved it for contraception, the Pill has been one of the most popular methods of preventing pregnancy. But in recent years, reminiscent of the off-label uses of HRT, oral contraceptives have increasingly been prescribed for adolescent girls and young women for non-contraceptive purposes. There is no doubt that doctors consider the Pill the best solution to address a long list of young women’s hormonal difficulties. This day and age, there’s a plethora of options: the combined low-dose Pill made with oestrogen and progestin; the progestin-only mini-Pill; and the three-year implant or injection. Far beyond its initial purpose as a contraceptive drug for short-term use, the Pill has become the darling of the medical world for treating just about any hormonal problem a girl may have, and then some. To date, the Pill is prescribed to help teenagers attack acne, “regulate” their periods, eliminate painful periods and treat PMS, endometriosis, migraines, ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries. Girls as young as thirteen are now prescribed the Pill for treating acne. The Pill has been touted by the medical profession as one of the most effective and powerful preventive medicines around. But is it? In December 2002, the US federal government published the 10th edition of its biennial “Report on Carcinogens”, which is mandated by Congress as a way for the government to help keep the public informed about substances or exposures that are known to cause human cancers. Added to the list of “known” human carcinogens were all steroidal oestrogens used in oestrogen replacement therapy and oral contraceptives.6 The gravity of this finding cannot be overstated: all oestrogens have now been proven, unequivocally, to cause cancer! To make matters even worse, norethisterone, the most common progestin in progestin/oestrogen combination oral contraceptives, and other synthetic progestins used for injections and implants were listed as known human carcinogens by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences back in 1997. Is it arrogance or just plain ignorance to believe that “Women are often healthier if they are on the Pill”? The fact is that the ingredients of the Pill, whatever its formulation, are known human carcinogens. How can any carcinogenic drug be deemed to be health promoting? What cancers do these hormones cause? Studies have linked oestrogens and progestins to breast, ovarian, endometrial, cervical, skin, brain and lung cancers. It is now recognised that, far from being safe and risk free, these steroid hormones are, in reality, dangerous and potentially life-threatening drugs that cause grave harm to women. Most women taking the contraceptive pill have little idea about what dangerous ingredients they are actually putting into their bodies, nor are they knowledgeable about the potential side effects. Pathologising Menstruation The Pill literally stops natural menstruation. Bleeding only occurs each month because the synthetic hormones are not taken for seven days of the cycle, which causes a shedding of the uterine lining. The bleeding that occurs would be more accurately termed withdrawal bleeding, not menstruation. In fact, there is nothing natural about taking the Pill. The action of the Pill is in fact a female form of “castration” because it stops the natural reproductive cycle. Sometimes a woman’s ovaries will become permanently damaged, resulting in infertility. Fabio Bertarelli, a Swiss billionaire who owns Serono Laboratories, manufacturer of 70% of the world’s fertility drugs, has attested to this fact. He told the Wall Street Journal in 1993: “Our usual customers are women over 30 who have been taking birth control pills since they were teenagers or in their early 20s.” Business is booming for the fertility business. The data from the journal Fertility and Sterility suggest that 6.2 million women in the US had fertility problems in 1995, compared to 4.5 million in 1982 and 4.9 million in 1988, and this number could be as high as 7.7 million women in 2025. All contraception formulas may increase the risk of coronary artery disease, breast cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer, immune dysfunction, liver toxicity, stroke, blood clot, osteoporosis, gum disease, high blood pressure and ectopic pregnancy. The side-effects include nausea, vomiting, migraine-type headache, breast tenderness, allergies, weight increase, changes in sex drive, depression, head hair loss, facial hair growth and increased incidence of vaginitis. Also, women with a history of epilepsy, migraine, asthma or heart disease may find that their symptoms worsen. Many of these effects may persist long after discontinuation of the Pill. Pill-users have an increased risk of two painful types of inflammatory bowel disease: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In addition, the Pill causes serious nutritional deficiencies of vitamin B1, B2, B6, folic acid, B12, vitamins C, E, K, zinc, selenium, magnesium and the amino acid tyrosine, which is essential for proper thyroid function. Oestrogen increases copper levels, which causes depression. Even more alarming is the fact that the earlier a woman uses the Pill, the greater her risk of developing breast cancer and also having a worse prognosis. One disturbing study showed that the Pill caused chromosomal aberrations in the breast tissue of young female users. This research was further backed up with a study showing that there was a 100% increased risk of breast cancer which extended from 10 years of Pill use down to just three months of use! So, it is of no surprise that women as young as 17 and 19 years old are now being diagnosed with breast cancer. The breast tissue of young teenage girls is still developing and is particularly sensitive to the over-stimulation from synthetic oestrogen. In one landmark study, researchers found that women who took the Pill before the age of 20 and were later diagnosed with breast cancer had tumours with worse prognoses than did breast cancer patients who started taking the Pill at a later age or had not previously taken it. Another study found this most terrifying result: the younger the women were at the time of breast cancer diagnosis, the greater the possibility that they would be dead within five years. Progestins make their own mischief. As well as being carcinogenic, they raise “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure, distort sugar metabolism, compromise the immune system and create undesirable masculinising effects. So it is no wonder that Depo-Provera should be of great concern to women. It was reported that women who used it before the age of 25 increased their relative risk of breast cancer by 50%, and that women who used it for six or more years raised their risk significantly to 320%. (Dr Coutinho, the enthusiastic advocate for the elimination of menstrual cycles using the continuous low dose Pill, was the developer of Depo-Provera.) Of further concern are studies showing that both oral contraceptives and Depo-Provera contribute to bone loss in adolescents. Needless to say, the pathologising of women’s menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances through the pervasive and persuasive advertising campaigns initiated by both the medical profession and pharmaceutical industries is seriously jeopardising the physical and emotional wellbeing of young women. Many parents have been convinced that the Pill was the solution to their daughter’s period pains, acne, endometriosis or ovarian cysts, but the fact is that this carcinogenic treatment will only further compromise the health of teenage girls. What has been seriously overlooked is the fact that hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills are formulated with the same ingredients: oestrogens and progestins. The main difference? The Pill has higher amounts of these physiologically altering, carcinogenic, toxic drugs. With the arrival of the continuous low dose Pill, normal menstrual cycles are now fair game for drug treatment. This has great appeal to young women, who have been brainwashed into believing that menstrual cycles are indeed a curse, not to mention a damned inconvenience. Nutritionally depleted diets, stress and environmental toxins–the real culprits of menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances–have been all but ignored by doctors. Why not just use a quick fix to shut the whole system down? Take a pill! Haven’t we been here before? Reminiscent of recent HRT revelations, the mass prescribing of the continuous low dose Pill–without any long-term studies undertaken–amounts to a dangerous experiment being conducted on young women. However, it would be pointless to spend millions of dollars on such a study, since there already exists overwhelming evidence of how seriously the Pill compromises the health of young women. INVENTING A ‘NEW’ DISORDER Unfortunately, it’s not only the obsolescence of menstrual cycles that the drug companies have on their agenda. There is another way that young women are being pathologised and medicalised for their natural cycles. The pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly is promoting its new drug, Sarafem, as a miracle pill for women suffering with a new “mental disorder” called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Never heard of it? It’s no surprise, since it was only concocted as a psychiatric disorder about three years ago. PMDD, this “mental disorder” which the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has not yet accepted as an official mental disorder, is nonetheless listed in the appendix of the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–the DSM-IV, the bible of mental diseases. PMDD is actually the new and improved version of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which is purported to affect 10% of all menstruating women. The fact that PMDD is listed only in the diagnostic manual’s appendix reflects the APA’s desire for further research before accepting it as a fully fledged mental disorder. Nonetheless, it is being treated vigorously. To be diagnosed with PMDD, a woman must experience five or more symptoms. This unofficial mental disorder is said to be characterised by the following symptoms: depressed mood; anxiety; decreased interest in activities; feeling sad, hopeless, self-deprecating, tense, anxious or “on edge”; persistent irritability; anger; increased interpersonal conflicts; feeling fatigued, lethargic or lacking in energy; marked changes in appetite; a subjective feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control; and physical symptoms such as breast tenderness, swelling or bloating. Before the PMDD diagnosis can be given, a woman is advised to chart her symptoms for two months. Eli Lilly reports in its advertising that, now, “Doctors can treat PMDD with a pretty pink-and-lavender pill called Sarafem–the first and only prescription medication for PMDD”. The ad further states that “Sarafem contains fluoxetine hydrochloride, the same active ingredient found in Prozac”. Actually, Sarafem is the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) known as Prozac. Eli Lilly admits that Sarafem has the same active ingredient as Prozac, complete with the same dangerous side effects. It’s been dressed up in a pretty pink-and-lavender capsule, and the price has been increased. It is now masquerading as a bona fide PMDD drug. It is no coincidence that the year that Sarafem was listed as the only approved drug for this new female “mental disorder”, it just so happened to coincide with the year that the patent on Prozac ran out. Without a patent on Prozac, Eli Lilly lost exclusive rights to the drug, along with hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. However, with the acceptance of the Prozac clone Sarafem as the only approved treatment for PMDD, Lilly’s patent on Prozac in effect was extended by another seven years. According to documents posted on the FDA’s website, Lilly has proposed a “pilot study of PMDD in adolescents to estimate its response to treatment with fluoxetine”. So, who wins? The OB-GYNs, whom Eli Lilly is exclusively targeting as prescribers–and, of course, Eli Lilly. Who loses? Young women. And now, two other drugs have recently been approved to treat PMDD. They are the antidepressant drugs Zoloft and Paxil. With these two additional players in the PMDD market, expect to see many more TV and magazine ads aggressively educating the public about “this serious new condition”. Women, once again, are being manipulated, misinformed and mistreated in order to fill the drug companies’ coffers. But there is an even more draconian side to this. A Strong Warning about Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft Researchers at the Division of Preventive Oncology in Toronto, Canada, reported the promotion of malignant growth in rodents given antidepressant drugs at clinically relevant doses. These drugs bind to growth-regulating receptors inside cells associated with anti-oestrogen binding sites. When they were given to rats primed with a known carcinogen, the animals developed breast tumours in a shortened time. Compared to controls, the tumour frequency was increased greater than twofold in the rats given the antidepressants. The Canadian research team also found that women who took Paxil saw their risk of breast cancer increase sevenfold! Further studies have shown that Prozac not only promotes tumours but also causes proliferation of malignant cells by blocking the body’s innate ability to kill tumour cells. There is mounting evidence that these drugs can cause breast cancer and other forms of cancer such as brain cancer. Allan Steingart, an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, has also sent out another warning: SSRIs are endocrine disrupters that can alter oestrogen levels. Side effects include changes in breast density, lactation in women who are not pregnant, and sexual dysfunction. There are also ominous long-term side effects associated with these medications. According to Dr Joseph Glenmullen, a psychiatrist who works for Harvard University Health Services and is the author of Prozac Backlash, they include: neurological disorders such as disfiguring facial and whole-body tics that can indicate brain damage; sexual dysfunction in up to 60% of users; debilitating withdrawal symptoms including visual hallucinations; electric shock-like sensations in the brain; and dizziness, nausea and anxiety. The SSRIs–Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil–possess another trait: they have the ability to turn normal people into raging suicidal murderers. Three years before Prozac received FDA approval in late 1987, the German equivalent of the FDA had such serious reservations about Prozac’s safety that it refused to approve the antidepressant. The reason was that Lilly’s studies showed that previously non-suicidal patients who took the drug had a fivefold higher rate of suicide and suicide attempts than those on older antidepressants, and a threefold higher rate than those taking placebos. Eli Lilly’s own figures indicated that one in 100 previously non-suicidal patients who took the drug early in clinical trials developed a severe form of anxiety and agitation called akathisia, causing them to attempt to commit or actually commit suicide during the studies. Using figures on Prozac from both Eli Lilly and independent research, Dr David Healy, Director of the North Wales Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Wales and an expert on the brain’s serotonin system, estimated that “probably 50,000 people have committed suicide on Prozac since its launch, over and above the number who would have done so if left untreated”. Dr Peter Breggin, the eminent psychiatrist and author of Toxic Psychiatry: Talking Back to Prozac, stated: “I have no doubt that Prozac can cause or contribute to violence and suicide. I’ve seen many cases. In a recent trial, six per cent of the children became psychotic on Prozac. And manic psychosis can lead to violence.” And yet, as of January 3, 2003, the FDA approved the use of Prozac to alleviate depression in children between seven 17 years of age. It also approved it for children with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatrists in the US and Australia have already been prescribing the world’s best-known antidepressant (and similar competitors) to their youngest patients. The inclusion of child-specific information on Prozac’s FDA-mandated label means that more doctors, not just depression specialists, may prescribe it. Up to 2.5% of US children and 8% of teenagers suffer from depression. What catastrophes are in the making when we follow these trends? Will we be facing news headlines reporting on children who have gone into murderous rages, perhaps taking their lives along with the lives of others? It has already come to light that the majority of US school shooters were prescribed SSRIs. The growing incidence of depression and anxiety amongst girls means that more SSRI scripts will be written. Teenage girls are further caught in a “catch 22”, since depression is also a side effect of hormonal imbalances as well as the Pill. And how many girls and young women diagnosed with PMDD and then put on Prozac/Sarafem or one of the many other SSRIs will one day find themselves facing a breast cancer diagnosis? RESTORING YOUNG WOMEN TO HEALTH It is truly terrifying to think that drug companies are enthusiastically targeting young women, teenage girls and now children as young as eight as a lucrative market for their SSRI drugs. If we continue to allow ourselves and our children to be hypnotised by the rhetoric and trickery of the medical and pharmaceutical profession, great health disasters and human tragedy await us. The real goal (in terms of the main theme of this article) is to restore girls and young women to health. Menstruation is a powerful expression of a woman’s true self. The female reproductive system is delicate and can easily teeter out of balance when deprived of adequate nutrition or put under duress. Our daughters, instead of resorting to taking a pill to mask important warning signs, must be taught to make healthy choices through diet and lifestyle. Competent holistic health practitioners are important allies in regaining hormonal health. Even more challenging is the task of healing deeply held cultural myths. If women are truly to regain and maintain their health and love for their bodies, old myths and superstitions must be exorcised from our collective unconscious mind. The erroneous conscious and unconscious beliefs that are held about the female anatomy are passed on from generation to generation. Our daughters are the recipients of this legacy–unless we choose to teach them otherwise. By healing these misconceptions, women can truly honour and appreciate their bodies–an important prerequisite for overall hormonal balance. For book information, (author of this original article). So what do you do? Clinically and personally I have seen hormone imbalances of all ages turned around quite simply by using concentrated Intensified Progesterone cream (plant based) – here – there are also other hormone balancing options (please do my online assessment to allow dedicated, comprehensive guide for what you need – removing toxic chemicals from the household, and a clean, plant based, drug free lifestyle. Please see my other posts on this. If you do nothing else for your daughter’s – or your own – health, please consider this. We are allocated a set quota of enzymes and hormone precursors at birth. What we eat, what we are exposed to in our early years wil affect our endocrine health – all of it – for life. . #HRTdangers #Hormoneimbalance #Estrogendominance #Oestrogendominance #Sarafemdangers #Prozacdangers

  • Dealing With Vaccine Injury Pt 2

    AFTER EVEN 1 VACCINE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER DETOXING YOUR FAMILY FROM VACCINE INJURY The Chrysalis Original REMEDIA TONIC - based on original vaccinosis remedies, has been used for many years in the attempt to heal the body from the injection of foreign substances with the goal of dealing with the following injuries and/or effects - Suppression of immune response, removal of toxins contained in vaccines, inherited vaccine injury Expulsion of foreign matter Fear, anxiety, infections, nervous effects Following any skin-puncturing injury (injections included), feels cold, pale, puffiness, joint stiffness, to prevent unfolding injury Following hepatitis (various) shots, swellings, poisoning, allergies, vertigo, shaking, shocks, seizures, breathing difficulties Nervous irritability, headache, seizures, pain, esp after tetanus shot After chicken pox vaccine, eruptions (pustules) following vaccination Drowsy, confused, acting drunk, stupor, fever, delirium, bruised feeling Flu-like symptoms, weakness, aching, exhaustion, headaches, fear, paralysis Weakness, restlessness, agitation, hyperactivity, lethargy, squinting, twitching, nervous irritation following vaccination Organ damage, blood in urine, brain swelling, eruptions at site Drainage of foreign matter, infection and toxic waste from organs, blood, lymph and tissue Any 'red' symptoms - swelling, heat, colour - able to reduce the most severe and obvious inflammatory symptoms Within first 24 hours of any inflammation, infection, reaction - often able to prevent even severe illness and prevent early symptoms from worsening To be administered after any mercury-containing vaccine To be administered after any aluminium-containing vaccine ALL 12 TISSUE SALTS - of which silicea is one The above symptom sets are only a partial picture of each of their capabilities. Each remedy is able to address hundreds of symptoms. In this case they are used to address artificially triggered reactions while building a natural immune response. As with any comprehensive, natural health care, don't wait. Buying a safeguard after the damage is done is not the way to do this. The longer an adverse reaction is allowed to slow burn, the more serious the damage, therefore it becomes far more difficult to address or undo. Medical 'experts' and the pro vax community will most likely see no use in this article - yet millions of vaccine injured people around the world are alive and healthy now thanks to its use. I know which option I would take (and do take). Healthy diet, a toxic free home environment and supplements based on natural sources are vital. This includes a form of chelation and Cilantro drops which can help remove the heavy metals and other adjuvants from the body. Behavioural disturbances Vitiligo Unexplained obesity Unexplained anorexia nervosa, wasting and inability to gain weight - cachexia Hives Facial Swelling Juvenile cancers (yes, leading cause among oncology knowledge) Juvenile arthritis Type I diabetes Type II diabetes Allergy (including peanut, MSG, dairy, pet, environmental) Asthma and other respiratory illness including wheezing Cystic fibrosis Shedding - mutated form of the original disease being 'treated' Fatigue Headache Muscle and joint pain Cerebral palsy Bulbar palsy Autism, ADHD (proven irrefutably yet dismissed/ignored) Gene mutation (Down syndrome, Spina bifida, etc) Chronic fatigue syndrome SIDS (still wont add 2 and 2 together) Shaken baby syndrome Seizures ALS Guillainé Barré syndrome Diarrhœa Hæmaturia (blood in urine - ie acute kidney damage) Pneumonia (at epidemic proportions globally, for which they are working on a vaccine...) IBS and digestive inflammation (Crohns, Cœliac disease, gluten intolerance, lactose and other food intolerance) Intussusception Otitis media Lymphadenitis - chronic lymphatic issues (swollen glands) Anaphylaxis Gulf war syndrome Vomiting Brain damage Memory loss Alzheimer's/dementia Brain infections Deafness Blindness Coma Organ failure The Chrysalis Original Vaccinosis Remedies include - Remedia Tonic - vaccinosis symptoms and detoxing Pacific Tonic - calming Evoke Tonic - memory loss and neurological disruption Axis Tonic - mental clarity and focus, hyperactive symptoms The individual Chrysalis Original Remedies for side effects/symptom development include - Aureus Tonic - otitis media, ear infections, eye disturbances Cutis Tonic - eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis Dynamos Tonic - myalgic symptoms, fatigue, autoimmune response Miasma Tonic - shingles and herpes Pique Tonic - triggered allergies Spiritus Tonic - triggered asthma Zachari Tonic - triggered diabetes FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE CHRYSALIS ORIGINAL REMEDIES

  • Dealing With Vaccine Injury Pt 1

    Congratulations on your decision to find answers. Feel free to copy and share the contents of this article as there are limitless people and animals needing answers Sometimes the assault is so rapid, so extreme, that there is simply not enough time to remove the acidic, toxic effects - especially long term brain damage and physical/neurological destruction. There are ways to deal with symptoms individually to some degree. However, if adverse events are mild, gentle detox of metals, chemicals, adjuvants and even DNA ingredients alien to the human body (or animals, in veterinary cases) can be safely and effectively carried out. I will not suggest that this is an easy undertaking and may often require professional assistance and bioresonance testing. The suggestions made in this article have been used clinically with positive results of varying degrees - BUT there is no way we can sit back and do nothing. Please click on any of the blue links in this article to be redirected to other studies, articles and documented facts on vaccination. Don't just accept the inevitable. YOU are the parents of your children - and those faceless people who are responsible for the pandemic proportions of vaccinosis will be nowhere if you are unfortunate enough to join the ranks growing by the day. Sadly, not only is the brainwashing and corruption complete thanks to billions of dollars, many lives sacrificed (including the experts who speak against this corruption) but action is already being taken to prevent homœopathy from even being legal. That is like banning water. Oh wait, Nestlé already has plans afoot to take care of that. The current global push by the western world to enforce a never ending increase in unnecessary toxins, known neurotoxins, genetically modified cells and other matter that is passed off as supposedly being able to trigger 'natural' immunity, is as dangerous as it is a deliberate intention to reduce population. Now, if this was a safe and effective method it might make sense but the known, well researched side effects are well documented yet covered up - and this modern day system of eugenics and legal iatrogenesis is killing people and animals in the most slow, painful methods known in dis-ease history. This article is not about arguing whether you should or should not vaccinate. I know you shouldn't but you most likely will, whether in agreement or by force. The point of this article is to share with you a method used around the world, with the intention of preventing and treating vaccinosis - something prevalent but dismissed by the medical fraternity. You will be told you must - because you will help with ensuring a mythological herd immunity - and that if your baby is not shot full of lead, mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, remnants of aborted human baby cell cultures, genetically modified material, from the day it is born, your child will somehow not possess an immunity - all others who dare to go unvaccinated are somehow a threat or danger to your child. So, what is vaccinosis? It was once recognised in medicine, that powerful medical/pharmaceutical groups have relegated to only being something recognised in veterinary science as happening as a consequence of vaccine reaction. Therefore, doesn't affect humans. It can be as simple as pain, or fever or rash. Consider those words carefully. Would you, in any other situation, administer ANYTHING to your child that is capable of hurting them? Yet in the complete wisdom of your doctor or pharmacist - or journalist - you actually believe that hurting them is capable of doing good? You rush off to the pharmacy to buy nurofen or paracetamol to fix those symptoms when they appear - yet you are willingly allowing a stranger to cause them? NO vaccine is exempt from the ability to cause side effects ranging from a rash to death - like all medication, they all carry side effects. Often far worse than the actual illness they are supposedly preventing. These symptoms appear due to DNA/genetic damage - and can be so complete that they are passed down through generations. Interestingly, there is a relatively secretive legal system that is involved with only vaccine injury - it's perfectly accepted, no one is liable once these multi billions in payouts are approved, and on we go... Few diseases carry as many side effects or symptoms as a single vaccination carries. Yet it's one of the most funded forms of medicine today. And once again, stealth and lies (not to mention passing a few bucks under the table) have resulted in it actually being termed preventive while the real preventive medicine has been given the newer label of 'alternative' - another story altogether but one can't help but ask alternative to what? Actually wanting the same thing, but sans side effects? Alternative to making squillions? New diseases are being 'discovered' every day - all linked to vaccine injury, especially now that mutated (aka GMO) organisms are being included in these evil little vials. Not to mention the possibilities now that ærial spray vaccinations are already being trialed. Why/how were the initial trials even approved without our knowledge? These diseases were rare, many absent prior to the politically-driven introduction of vaccines. The most interesting thing here is that ALL of these symptoms are listed as possible side effects on vaccine packaging, manufacturer websites/MIMs annual - yet when they arise, your doctor will blame anything other than the real cause - despite a reporting system in place, few are ever reported, especially the more deadly side effects. Homœopathy, whether your medical experts want to accept it or believe it, has been preventing, and treating (yes, the word cure is illegal to use) early vaccinosis from the start - while it's almost impossible to undo established, extensive and necrotic damage, it should be considered before and after every single vaccination. Homœopathy does not have the ability to harm - in fact if your body does not recognise this energetic medicine, it will simply have no effect, like a few drops of water. But if an individual's energy rate has been compromised, or is about to, this tiny dose of medicine will be life saving and disease preventing. If that sounds like science fiction to you, then perhaps you will understand to hear that much of modern medicine is 'energy' based - and all automatically accepted without proof. It should NEVER be seen as an open gate to vaccinations. If the medical system were honest, this would not be necessary - but in order to address what is going on in 2015 after a few decades of billion dollar efforts to enforce medicines which were up until recently not compulsory, it is the best chance you have. So, which remedies should be on hand? I recommend that you have these in stock in your household dispensary anyway, as they have the ability to treat hundreds of symptoms, but to administer prior to and immediately following ANY and all vaccinations. Please set up a vaccination file at home or a folder on your computer. You are going to need it. Please note there is an amazing array of homœopathic nosodes aka homœoprophylaxis which not only addresses all illness including those for which vaccines have been used, but any other symptoms. DEALING WITH VACCINE INJURY PART 2: Treatment options and symptoms to be aware of.

  • The Effects of MLM on the Natural Health Industry

    As is the norm with my words, I do not expect this article to make me many friends. But I do at least hope it will educate a few people. This article is not telling you that you cannot grow a global business if that is your goal. This is not about the argument that in order for one distributor to do well financially and succeed it will take hundreds, if not thousands of hapless minions to do the hard work. This is about health modalities themselves. If you do not know what a modality is, you really are in the wrong line of work - it should be one of the first words you learn as a distributor but the fact it is omitted, rings alarm bells. If you really want to make a difference, at least go and take the time to study your chosen modality, not just sales pitches. Q1: Are you a MLM distributor, representative, executive, diamond, or whatever your chosen company decides to label you - of any manner of health or euphemistically named 'wellness' product companies? Q2: Are you the customer of a MLM distributor? If you answered yes to either question... 1) Do you have qualifications other than human rights, to qualify you to promote or sell that product? If yes, is your field of knowledge actually within the area of everything you are promoting? Have you studied every product in detail, including benefits, possible side effects, contraindications and whether it could pose dangers in regards to allergies or compatibility with other medications? If not, why not? 2) Do you take your distributor's word as professional? Have you asked them if they have qualifications in what they are flogging you? If not, why not? Do you now that if/when it goes awry (and it does very, very often) not only will you not get your money back (despite claims to the contrary) but you will not have a legal leg to stand on? There are no guarantees. The company will not want to know you. And guess which industry gets the blame? I can already hear the responses 'We do not diagnose or prescribe.' 'We do not make health claims.' 'Our products are professionally made in the best laboratories in the world.' 'We are industry leaders that other companies follow. Our research shows...' Save it. I have heard it all The truth is, people at the top are paid to come up with words (ie spindoctors) that you will learn in 'training' to ensure you know the fancy footwork to evade vital and important questions. I know of people who have become deathly ill from a 'wellness' product that almost claimed their life. When they complained, the company would not return the money. They refused to take responsibility and blamed the individual - saying they were self abusive and unhealthy to begin with, even though this person lived a very healthy life - and had not become unwell until they suffered a reaction to the product. Sadly working in my own field, I have witnessed such a story too many times.The long and short of this is if you are not qualified in a modality, you have no right to spruik it. Take essential oils - to become an aromatherapist (originally part of a larger qualification - an elective which could take 6 months on top of all of your other studies including botanical pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, and massage at the very least) it takes dedicated study and an understanding of health that would allow you to understand a little more than, 'this oil is magic for stress...' Yes, oils work but the claims made today by people who do a few hours 'training' workshops often run by the untrained, is frightening to say the least. What about the increasing number of dietary and nutrition MLM companies? It's a daily brain-scream for me to read on social media and in advertising pages that someone is proudly a local representative of such-and-such weightloss program. To say that clinically, 100% of patients visiting me for weightloss had been through it all, and often become seriously unwell as a result, would be an understatement. The claims are alarming. If I dare to so much as say something valid such as, "Does this diet take overall health into account?" watch the knives come out (pun NOT intended). And then we get to the supplements. I have personally been present at 'product training' where I would sit through 2 hours of absolute drivel - appalling claims and stories that made my hair stand on end. All the oohs and aahs about making a zillion dollars. Or heart warming stories of rags to riches. Yet as a guest I would get up to at least try and educate them on safety, ingredients and quality control. Forget it. At one memorable event, even though I had the microphone, I was drowned out with moans and comments like, "Do we really have to hear this? We did not come for this." No, you came for the rah-rah, "here's your goody bag, give me your prospects and I will ensure they sign up so you will make more money." About now, you are wondering why I am so angry at the whole MLM notion. Don't worry, chances are I have been part of your particular company in some way - as a writer, researcher, customer or even a distributor at some time. Beginning when I was a nurse - and eventually as a natural health physician, to prove the efficacy or value of the product in comparison to what else is out there. Yes, many natural health professionals do get into MLM products but that is as much because of the unhealthy system forcing them to make money from a sideline as it is about any perceivable product quality. In short, MLM companies cut out the middle man You are told that shops are the middle man. That is just not true. The middle man in this area is the natural health professional. Imagine signing to a MLM company that sold pharmaceutical products only. The middle man would be the doctor, no? In the time that MLM have made their hostile takeover, pharmacy chains have not only taken over in stocking natural products - without qualification - but have access to products that not even qualified natural health professionals do. In that same time, doctors have been invited to take part in weekend warrior workshops which affords them the title of holistic or alternative doctor. Rather than, as a number of my peers have done, walk away from the medical industry which has failed so many, they continue to fence sit - but benefit from both sides. As one pharmacy chain head said to me, 'This is where the money is." They are also privy to more health fund support and even medicare benefits for their services while the real professionals are not. Cha-ching. Are you complicit in destroying the very industry you now promote? You would not know about the other side of this coin - the negative effects. Because it is covered up. Some of you do it to earn a living. Others do it to increase their revenue. I have had executives of certain companies threaten me professionally. I still have copies of letters written to me - one actually telling me I know nothing and need to mature in order to understand things. One company which shall remain nameless, sent a distributor to threaten me with court action because I dared to answer her honestly when she asked if I would like to take part in her next presentation. I advised her that the products were tested on animals and not of particularly high quality. She refused to hear that just because her company didn't test at their facility, did not mean the products were not tested elsewhere - and the company paid for it. Or that the products contained toxic ingredients on top of their supposed organic, healthy ones. I simply provided her with paperwork proving my claims and was left alone. At any given time, CEOs and leaders of these companies are in court or jail. This is kept from you. This is just one aspect of MLM marketing. People fall in love with the theory - hang everything else. In the last 20 years, natural health has been watered down as it is integrated into modern medicine - not for any other reason than control (hegemony). So much knowledge is being lost. Natural health experts do not get financial support and as such, 2/3 no longer even operate - between pharmacies, supermarkets, MLM distributors and doctors, vital knowledge is being stolen and lost. If it continues at this rate, it is estimated that by 2025, natural health will be outlawed - and MLM distributors will not care about the original experts - they will just scream about how unfair it all is. Officially it is about supposed safety - in truth, it is about money. Natural medicines cannot be patented unless they are diluted with pharmaceuticals. Cha-ching. But back to the real reason for this article. Every day - every single day - I am contacted by people asking for my help professionally. This has now gone on for over 3 decades. It involves sick people from various MLM companies asking me which of the supplements or oils or products they should take - from their line of course. More than a few refused point blank to even consider using other products that might save their life. Their ailments range from basic issues to life threatening. I have seen people end up in ER - even in intensive care - because there was no safety net within the company they dedicated and almost lost their lives to; because aside from the token expert everyone quotes like a bad case of Chinese Whispers, there is no expert advice at close hand, nor is it a prerequisite. Seriously, it is simple a) If you want to promote products that is your right but for goodness sake, get educated! I'm not talking about reading your industry blurb. Real education. In this day of accessibility, there is no excuse for ignorance. Look up ingredients and study them. Or go one better and study the modality - yes, there it is again. Modality means modal quality - and in health, that means the particular field of health care model. So herbal medicine, homeopathy, aromatherapy, orthomolecular medicine. All of these will - or should - include learning about health in general and how safe your products are alongside others. Did you know that many oils are not ingestible? Did you know that many calming supplements can not be used alongside pharmaceuticals? Did you know some herbals can aggravate symptoms of chronic illness if you do not understand proper use? This makes your product - ie YOU - dangerous. Parent companies will drop you like a hot cake if/when an adverse event happens. Even if the product is perfectly safe IF you know what you are doing, it will reflect badly on the modality as a whole. b) If you are going to use or have natural health products recommended, get professional advice. Or become a professional yourself.

  • Pharmakeia: Modern Threat of Biblical Proportions

    Christians and churches in general do not want to know. Especially after being forced, in 2020 to close their doors because people were either too afraid or gullible over some fake virus that is yet to even be detected, let alone proven to exist in any test. Many walked away from the church and ministries. This would be the most complex, difficult and controversial article I have ever tried to put into words, but something I have been meditating and praying on for months - only reinforced during sermons and gatherings. Even more than the modern day Babylon article. More difficult than trying to explain to a doctor that you are a natural health professional. More difficult than trying to tell your nursing peers you are leaving the fold in order to find safer, more effective answers. And more difficult than telling a church leader that you 'practice' natural healing. Meanwhile, religions that do practice Edenic living are ostracised and vilified. Yet Nazi and Jewish investors alike continue to feed Pharmakeia. Few see the irony here... Go to any church, any university or any school. Watch any TV for more than a few minutes, read any newspaper or magazine. Listen to any radio station. View any billboard, any advertising banner. 'Church' has gone from being anti-natural medicine to outright hero worship of medicine and big pharma. I've heard too many sermons & visiting speakers with a 'message', that included almost subliminal promotion of Pharmakeia - warned of in the book of Revelations in verse 18:23 - ' for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia).' And still, they will not see. That sadly includes sermons outright preaching against natural health and diet. Many churches in the US now offer microchipping and vaccine clinics as part of their outreach. I can only wonder how much of the world's charity mission donations goes towards poisoning those desperately in need of clean water, food and access to their own indigenous plants. It is no secret that doctors are modern day gods. People actually pray for the doctors in their choices - toxic chemo, unbiblical vaccines, disfiguring surgery, diets consisting of flesh and body secretions. How many Pastors can finish the service without such comments as 'Don't forget Dr ******* who you will need to see for *******' or 'I would be sad if my doctor was not well qualified to care for my health.' In fact, the last service I ever went to ended on this note. One too many times. What happened to caring for your own health? The purpose of this article came about during another previous church service, where the speaker mentioned his LOVE for McDonalds no less than 7 times in a matter of minutes - his love for the burgers, the greasy food - breakfast, lunch and dinner. On and on it went for the next hour. The following speaker praised his doctor for issues he is educated enough to take care of all by himself. Not life threatening, not even a health issue; merely effects of poor choices. I looked around and was reminded that if I were to stand up and declare who I was, what I practiced and that I am not vaccinated, that I would become the veritable leper of Biblical proportions. When did Edenic health become modern day Leprosy? Make no mistake. Lepers of biblical times were untouchable. Outcasts. Unable to access anyone or anything. Cut from society. Unfunded. Despised. Yet in the latter part of last century it was proven that leprosy is neither highly contagious or terminal. Ignorance. Was it even a biblical thing or was that too, written in over time? No way on this earth would a creating, all knowing, omnipotent God say that humans were unclean or that leprosy was so dangerous and should be cut off and avoided. QUARANTINE... (Sound familiar?) Today's lepers eat healthy, have all manner of herbs, oils, supplements, superfoods & self care. Gardens of herbs & healthy foods. Actively avoid toxic poisons & anything bad for their health. Including vaccines. They often have a family history of poor health & managed to turn it around. Like the lepers of old, they are not contagious, yet are treated as outcasts. It depends on how far one wants to travel down the rabbit hole. Once you do, there is no going back. It is a horrifying tale and sadly too repugnant to want to even believe. So most don't. Quite simply, the same few kingpins control and own Big Pharma which in turn controls: governments mainstream media war education medicine science banks mining companies livestock breeding and slaughter world food crops drug crops (opium) Basically, anything seen as important. And in turn, the CEOs - even world leaders - are among the most serious investors in Big Pharma. Wars are fought daily over legal drug crops, killing thousands of children yearly. More humans are addicted to legal, medical drugs - responsible for killing millions annually but put down to the diseases they have caused. All the while, existing natural health companies are being systematically shut down and bought out/taken over by Big Pharma while existing experts are deregistered, (while any doctors caught practising natural modalities are vilified) and natural health schools taken over by Big Pharma and mainstream education - the outcome is synthetic supplements and watered down knowledge. Yet more is sunk into funding Big Pharma while 'fighting' illegal drugs which often include effective herbs. And sadly, churches pander to these same institutions, promoting them daily, without even seeing the irony. And what of medications? No one seems to care how many animals are vivisected, how many animal parts are cut up and used to prove a point. No one is concerned that aborted human infant DNA is extracted & used in vaccine manufacture for OUR babies, creating modern day hybrids - genetically modified in our own right. But don't worry - they can just invent a new genetic disease to cover that up. People are actually lining up to be microchipped and any mention of the Mark of the Beast is laughed at. I was called a heretic for daring to suggest it. No one cares we are being injected with RNA/DNA of other creatures, or having organs & tissue of other species transplanted into our bodies (Dominion did not include this). All of this is okay but don't whatever you do, consider anything so demonic as eating healthy food, taking herbs of the Bible, or using safe therapies first. It is so far from Godly that it is just too hard to think about. So the church in general, does not think about it. But that does not stop them promoting it by default. This is the modern medicine being preached. I loathe the term New World Order yet it is what we are slowly but surely moving into. I do not know what to do about this because all I have done for my entire career has failed to make a change but when we have millions praying in the other direction, what hope is there? I hold so little hope for the church in general. Most days I wish I did not know what I know. At least I would not be continually told I need deliverance. Ignorance is bliss. But not all conspiracies are theories. .

  • Cigarettes & Pharma - Brothers in Arms

    Let me just say I hate smoking. In all forms. As in really hate it. If you need something in your body (or think you do) eat it or drink it. Your lungs are one of the quickest ways to provide an uptake of any substance - up there with the minute blood vessels under your tongue, into your veins and through your skin. Even poison. But why are cigarettes the main focus of modern poisoning? Do you know the ingredients? What if the real issue is not the cigarette but the actual smoking act itself? You wouldn't consider eating arsenic - would you smoke it? Or inject it? Let's think about that. You quite probably are already. Did you know that many skin care products and medicines actually parallel cigarettes in toxic substances? But they are okay because some invisible entity says so? Did you ask? Read? Actually look into it? Nope, fancy packaging and promotion is the key factor in most choices today. So where am I going with this? Below is a list of just some of the known cigarette ingredients - many inert and harmless in their natural state - but if smoked or injected then they can and do kill. Then I am going to list the active, dangerous ingredients and let you know you are most likely ingesting or absorbing them into your body every single day - by choice. WHAT'S IN A CIGARETTE (more importantly, why? If people just want a calming nicotine hit - why can't you drink the tea?) Ammonia: Household cleaner * Arsenic: Used in rat poisons Phthalates * Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber * Citric acid * DDT: A banned insecticide * Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals * Methoprene Megastigmatrienone Maltitol * Napthalene Methyl isocyanate Acetone (Nail Polish Remover) * Ammonia (Floor/Toilet Cleaner) * Arsenic (Poison) * Butane (Cigarette Lighter Fluid) * Cadmium (Rechargeable Battery) * Carbon Monoxide (Car Exhaust) * DDT /Dieldrin (Insecticides) * Ethanol (Alcohol) * Formaldehyde (Body Tissue Preservative) * Hexamine (Barbecue Lighter) * Hydrogen Cyanide (Gas Chamber Poison) Methane (Swamp Gas) Methanol (Rocket Fuel) * Naphthalene (Mothballs) * Nicotine (Insecticide/Addictive Drug) * Barium * Nitrous Oxide * Phenols (Disinfectant) * Stearic Acid (Candle Wax) * Toluene (Industrial Solvent) * Nitrosamines * Chrysene * Bromide * Chlorine * Cadmium * Squalene * Urethane Metals * Aluminum * Mercury (often removed from labels but not product) * Silicon * MSG * Aspartame * Titanium * Lead * Polysorbate 80 * Polysorbate 20 * Glycerine * Chromium * Selenium * Thallium * Most readers by this point have already switched off. Too much to consider, really. But seriously, if you are unwell and there is no 'known reason' then you really need to stop being lazy, sit up and take notice. You will notice I placed an asterisk before many of the above ingredients which are questionable to say the least. Yes, the above are ALL poisons. But those with an asterisk are also in everyday products you most likely allow to be put into and INTO your body. You may read labels - but do you read them all? When you are prescribed a medication do you ask if there is engine degreaser in the binder? The asterisk indicates that ALL of these ingredients, and more, are found in everyday products we knowingly or unknowingly consume and give to our children, pets, elderly and even terminally ill. Now, where else do you think these ingredients are found? For one, nicotine is found in a massive quantity in local anaesthesia - there is no secret to the research showing high incidence of cancers - including lung cancer - among people who have had many procedures requiring local anaesthetics. But what else? Every single one of those ingredients with an asterisk is found in one very trusted, valued, and even worshipped item. Something that has reached fever pitch, intended for good, believed to be one of the most important aspects of life in the 21st century, believed to bring about health like no other thing on the planet. Yet it has easily an equal number of professional opponents and formal scientific research proving dangers, as smoking does - and like smoking research once was, is still ignored - and quite likely the leading cause of death in the world today. Most definitely, alongside poor diet, one of the leading causes of both acute and chronic illness in the world today. Guessed yet? Why aren't people listening? Why aren't so-called health leaders up in arms? Why don't all the 'get your flu shots' come with horrific health warnings like their vapourous counterparts? After all, they are responsible for more suffering and danger than all the illicit, illegal drugs put together. Let's put aside the monkey cells, pig, mouse and cow cells, antibiotics, aborted foetal cells etc being injected - ethics aside, what of known carcinogens? Why do we have just the one scapegoat? Laziness? Ignorance? Downright stupidity? Worship of all things medical related? Of course, there are far more questionable ingredients in both cigarettes and vaccines - just too many for it to be shared easily when you do the deed. So before you do either, why not actually look into what you are doing to your body? Or that of your child. Please think about it. Post script - thousands of pharmaceutical medications are in existence. Have you looked at the ingredients in your medication or are you of the belief that they just contain a magical medicine that will mask your symptoms? What if most of your health issues have been self inflicted by complete ignorance?

  • Lithium Deficiency - A Real Modern Day Epidemic?

    Many things that have happened in my career have been by pure chance - and often, through the ongoing research by my children. This story is such a situation. I have long been acquainted with medicinal lithium through my nursing days and was less than impressed. The benefits rarely outweighed the risks. The side effects are renowned but what if it was just another case of modern health care taking hold of something natural and mongrelising it to become a monster? I have written at length on this topic - iron, Vitamin C, Calcium and Folate being just 4 culprits here. These nutrients alone, mismanaged for decades, have been linked to an incalculable number of health issues and deaths - simply because rather than admit that 'alternative' health just may have some answers, or perhaps they could even learn from the forefathers of medicine, they took what was not theirs to misuse and then create new disease - a great money spinner if nothing else. But back to this story. One about lithium. It is a natural substance found in water - in fact, for centuries health springs with high traces of lithium have become health spas par excellence - especially good for emotional and psychiatric disturbance. Today, trace - or nutritional lithium can barely be found in food - it is sanitised out of our drinking water It is missing from foods no longer natural. And the fallout can be seen all around. So, what are the symptoms of lithium deficiency, both long and short term? Anger problems Irritability ADD/ADHD Behavioural problems Anxiety Depression Addictions Substance abuse Bipolar Eating disorders Cognitive decline Alzheimer's Lyme disease Chronic fatigue Various auto immune disorders Headaches and migraines Declining brain health Poor bone health (throw away the caltrate!) Poor attention and focus Tourette syndrome Poor sleep patterns and insomnia (circadian cycle balancing) Cachexia (rapid weightloss or autophagy during terminal and other chronic illness) Rapid ageing and apoptosis (cell death) OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) Huntington's chorea (not a cause but a definite deficiency link detected) Insulin resistance (diabetes) Inflammation and poor immunity Poor mitochondrial function Tardive dyskinesia Anorexia nervosa Alcoholism Seizures Meniere's disease Genetic disorders affecting serotonin uptake, I would hazard a guess that most people reading this would now believe they are lithium deficient. It is no wonder. If you have poor kidney function, then lithium deficiency is common. And in today's toxic world, this could affect most of us. As a micronutrient it is safe, it is almost impossible to overdo (unless you are in the habit of downing a full bottle of supplements a day) - I can only ask as a doctor of natural health, why this is not taught in college, why it is not considered as important as more popular deficiencies that even the media advertise widely? It is also very affordable - around $6AUS for a two month supply. Order here TAKE PLANT OMEGA OILS WHILE YOU ARE ON LITHIUM FOR OPTIMAL UPTAKE - FLAX, CHIA SEEDS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, HEMP OIL, WALNUTS, SESAME SEEDS, SUNFLOWER SEEDS. As it is a neurological element, it stands to reason that Zinc and Magnesium work well with Lithium. Interestingly, each of these foods is high in both. Please note: there is some confusion between elemental lithium and pharmaceutical lithium. They are not the same. References: Are You Lithium Deficient? By Nicholas Hundley Benefits of Lithium by Joe Cohen #lithiumdeficiency #depression #stress #addiction

  • Part B: What to do INSTEAD of vaccination.

    Disclaimer: The following are not merely claims. It is a summary of safe, effective treatments which have successfully been used to prevent & treat the illnesses for which billions of people are now being poisoned. It is illegal to state the obvious & sadly it has become easier & safer to agree to this madness than just take the time to research. The work has been done for you - there is no reason to take the risk any more. Bear in mind, with exposure to, or early onset (within 24 hours of first symptoms) homeopathic Aconite can and does stop most inflammatory and infectious diseases in their tracks. This should always be the first measure taken before other treatment choices - of course along with healthy lifestyle choices. All disease annotated with a ⊗ symbol marks it as a non-contagious issue. This is a very important point, considering much of the vaccine promotional propaganda has the world believing if we do not vaccinate, we are responsible for others becoming ill. Please also bear in mind that all vaccines have severe side effects - including symptom sets matching other diseases like meningitis, measles and influenza - the very illnesses the media and medical fraternity advises you they are trying to prevent. CHICKEN POX (varicella) - and SHINGLES - Homeoprophylaxis: Varicella zoster nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Rhus Tox, Ledum, Belladonna, Sulphuris. Topical : Vitamin A cream. Aloe vera gel. Bicarb/baking soda/oatmeal/Epsom salts spongebaths or paste applications of same. Brown vinegar/Apple cider vinegar swabbing. Salt, colloidal silver or thyme gargle. te) powder - mega dosage according to age/size. Teatree oil/lavender oil applications. Herbal : echinacea tincture or capsules. Fresh ginger beer. Sunlight and fresh air. DIPHTHERIA Homeoprophylaxis: Diphtherinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Mercurius, Lycopodium, Arsenicum album. Herbal : garlic, echinacea, olive leaf, turmeric. Salt, colloidal silver or thyme gargle. Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate) large doses according to age/size. Fresh pineapple and lemon juice. GERMAN MEASLES (rubella) Homeoprophylaxis: Rubella nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Gelsemium. Herbal skin/topical treatments as for chicken pox (see above) Herbal : astragalus, echinacea, turmeric, licorice. HEPATITIS A, B and C Hepatitis is an adult disease, therefore vaccinating children is a waste of time and money - and causes undue and often irreversible damage. For hepatic (liver) symptoms please seek professional advice. Again, natural health professionals are qualified to assist, even in chronic and advanced cases. Homeopathic : Hep A nosode. Hep B nosode. Nux vomica, Chelidonium, Thuja, Carduus marianus, Lycopodium, Belladonna, Myrica, Bryonia, Podophyllum, Arsenicum. As all forms of hepatitis are various inflammations of the liver and can be caused by numerous pathogens and triggers, treatment choice is never as easy as a jab or one remedy. Lifestyle choice is central - dietary adjustments, detoxing and careful remedy choice is necessary. HIB (haemophilus influenza) Homeoprophylaxis: Haemophilus nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Bryonia, Phosphorus, Chelidonium, Sulphuris. Supplements: Antioxidants ACE, grapeseed, pinebark, circuminoids. Herbal: Olive leaf, echinacea, colloidal minerals, turmeric. HPV (human papilloma virus) Homeoprophylaxis: HPV nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Thuja, Causticum, Dulcamara. Herbal antivirals : Echinacea, calendula, astragalus, ginger, licorice. INFLUENZA (flu) Homeoprophylaxis: Influenzinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Nux Vom, Rhus Tox. Herbal : Echinacea, olive leaf, garlic, licorice, slippery elm, pelargonium, elderberry, andrographis. Supplements : antioxidants, circuminoids, pine bark, high dose Vit C, zinc. MEASLES Homeoprophylaxis: Morbillinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Belladonna, Bryonia, Euphrasia, Gelsemium, Pulsatilla, Sulphuris. Topical skin treatments as above for chicken pox Supplements : high dose Vit C, Vitamin A, Herbal : licorice, turmeric, lemon and orange juice, coconut water and flesh, eggplant seeds (develops immunity if given early), MENINGOCOCCAL ⊗ (meningococcal meningitis) Homeoprophylaxis: Meningococcinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Early treatment even if you are not yet sure, is vital. Treatment as for mumps and HPV (as meningitis can be caused by either of these entering the brain tissue) is important. If flu like symptoms accompanied by light sensitivity, neck stiffness, blotchy skin and extreme headaches, it is wise to take precautions such as Aconite dosage as this can prevent further infection taking hold and often prevents more illnesses than can be attributed as it does not have a chance to take hold. Homeopathic : Aconite, Belladonna, Sulphuris, Mercurius. Herbal : As for flu treatment above. MUMPS Homeoprophylaxis: Parotidinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Belladonna, Rhus tox, Mercurius, Pulsatilla. Herbal : Ginger tea, carrot and pineapple juice, orange juice, garlic, oat porridge, asparagus, chamomile tea. Topical applications (poultice) : Ginger, black pepper, fenugreek, bicarb (baking soda), aloe vera - mix any or all into a paste with a little boiled water and apply over mumps once a day. Wild yam cream (black and blue cohosh) is a natural anti inflammatory and applied over clean skin before bed. PNEUMOCOCCAL (pneumococcal meningitis) Homeoprophylaxis: Pneumococcal nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: treat as for early stage meningococcal with necessary urgency. For secondary respiratory symptoms, treat as for whooping cough. If symptoms are advanced, begin treatment and seek urgent medical care. Remember vaccination is unnecessary as it is too late and is contraindicated. POLIO ⊗ Homeoprophylaxis: Lathyrus Sativus remedy Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Rhus tox, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Arnica. Herbal : Fennel, ginger, coriander, black pepper, licorice. Supplements : High dose Vit C. ROTAVIRUS Homeoprophylaxis: Rotavirus nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Belladonna, Ipecacuanha, Aloe soc, Podophyllum, Veratrum album, Arsenicum. Supplements : High dose probiotics. Herbal : Slippery elm tea. Lemon and ginger tea with a pinch of Himalayan salt. 1 ts/sp apple cider vinegar in water. 1/4 ts/sp bicarb/baking soda in warm water morning and night. Keep up fluids but do not just give water. Alternative each of these teas with each drink. Rotavirus is the more recent scare-tactics name for gastroenteritis - yes, it is capable of killing you IF not managed properly or if you do not have access or knowledge of suitable effective treatment. TETANUS ⊗ Homeoprophylaxis: Tetanus toxin nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: The tetanus bacterium (clostridium tetani) cannot thrive in an oxygen state so simply allowing a wound to bleed will kill off all bacteria. Tetanus bacterium are all around us - and in us already. It is only when the conditions are right that it can flourish. NEVER allow a wound alone, or allow symptoms to develop. Always be pro-active. The tetanus shot takes weeks to take effect (if at all) - therefore if you must go to ER, always refuse the tetanus shot. Homeopathic : Ledum, Hypericum, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Cicuta virosa. Herbal : Turmeric poultice, Flax/linseed tea, Ginger, Magnesium oil applied to skin. Supplements : High dose Vit C, Echinacea, Colloidal silver (internally and topically on wound), Olive leaf extract. First aid : Allow wound to bleed. If blood is not flowing, gently squeeze lesion to allow blood to wash the wound naturally. Then soak area in clean water with any of the following added - food grade hydrogen peroxide, salt, lavender oil, iodine, eucalyptus oil, Condys crystals. If you have an ozonator, treat some water and soak the wound in this. TUBERCULOSIS Homeoprophylaxis: Tuberculinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Phosphoricum, Calcarea carb (if obese), Calcarea phos (if thin), Calcarea iodata (skin and liver affectations), Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Silicea. Herbal : Umlingo wamangcolosi, Slippery elm tea. Rhodiola, astragalus, food grade peroxide in water, lemon/ginger tea. Dietary : pH neutral diet. Regularly test saliva and urine pH and adjust with bicarb/baking soda. Avoid all dairy, meat, processed and GMO foods. Plant based diet, juices, smoothies should be the centre of a TB treatment protocol. Avoid alcohol. Take probiotics at least twice a day. Adequate sunlight is imperative. One of the most medically mismanaged illnesses globally, it is also often simple to treat. No one should die of TB unless they have complete lack of knowledge or access to natural cures. While millions die every year unnecessarily, many are being cured daily just using what God left here for us to use. WHOOPING COUGH (pertussis) Homoeoprophylaxis: Pertussinum nosode Treatment following exposure or onset of symptoms: Homeopathic : Aconitum, Antimonium Tartaricum, Ipecacuanha, Drosera, Belladonna, Cuprum metallicum, Cina, Mag Phos, Kali bichromicum. Herbal : Teas made of ginger, garlic, oregano, thyme, turmeric, lemon, licorice, Supplements and treatment measures : Mega doses Vit C daily. Zinc. Sunlight and fresh warm air. Probiotics 3 times a day. Steam bath. Warm room. While most illnesses have a dedicated homeoprophylactic nosode, most practitioners believe that they are not all necessary. And while multiple doses are possible, many practitioners give one dose and are comfortable knowing that the body will respond if/as necessary. Nosode therapy is a sound principle, and the home equipped with a good dispensary is able to deal with most childhood ailments as they arise.

  • Part A: What to do INSTEAD of vaccination.

    DISCLAIMER - Your doctor, media and government will not support the following information, even though it is factual and proven every single day around the world, by professionals and laypeople. All of the suggestions below are preventing not just sickness but chronic and terminal ill health. However, as your doctor, media and governments depend on the big pharma lie for funding, they are fighting to stop your right to good health naturally. It is recommended you copy and print out the following information as a resource as the information freely available online is being systematically removed. The good news is that there is a growing community of medical and natural experts promoting and supporting this time proven truth, albeit under the radar. The thing of utmost importance to remember in this situation is, that long before vaccination and big pharma and all along, these remedies have been used safely and effectively - preventing not just sickness but death and chronic ill health development. As none of them can make a lot of money for big pharma, and there are no kickbacks for doctors, only those who practice with integrity and honesty will promote them. Thankfully, a growing number of experts are standing up. Immunisation and Vaccination are NOT the same thing. It began with the word Innoculation. Meaning pus or matter from the original lesion, blood or sputum were rubbed into a wound to bring about immunity. It failed. Spectacularly. But those deaths were used to somehow prove that using putrid matter could magically bring about protection from the very illnesses they caused. No one is arguing bad disease exists. It just happens to be far more prevalent now than prior to vaccines even though we believe otherwise. No doctor or nurse worth their weight would recommend doing something harmful to bring about protection or a cure. But they do. The thing is, disease as we imagine it to be, existed due to the environment in which the individual lived - nothing to do with lack of modern medicine. So think - and ask - why did certain plagues and diseases only affect certain populations? Why and how do these diseases even exist? Because of poor sanitation, poor hygiene, overpopulation in squalid conditions, lack of a healthy organic diet, lack of access to safe and natural medicines, and geographical location. Rotten food. Lack of fresh air. Poverty. Filthy water. And the spread of bodily secretions - yes, the same bodily secretions which we are now told are used to protect - or bring about immunity. In fact, in 3rd world areas, disease still exists in alarming states thanks to poor sanitation and water quality. However, there are no massive epidemics of any of the diseases for which we are vaccinated. Yet these people are injected to within an inch of their lives rather than deal with healthy options. Believe it or not, there are literally thousands of options to achieve optimum health - and to treat symptom sets which may appear. Most diseases for which we are vaccinated are NOT contagious. In fact it is argued in some quarters that no disease is contagious - it is simply a matter of bodily terrain, exposure to the same elements, toxic chemicals, foods, water and parasites. Given the right terrain, the same or at least similar symptom sets thrive. So, what do you do to protect your family? Well, quite simply, eating a rubbish diet, taking up bad habits such as smoking in front of them, and injecting with known poisons which are not deemed safe enough to use in any other medium is not going to magically protect your child or build up their health. That old belief that fat babies are healthy babies has to go. Likewise, eating like kings - ie eating as much food as you like - cannot in any way be linked to good health. But what if it is too late and we are already vaccinated? Thankfully there are ways to treat an already affected body. Of course it depends on severity and how much time has passed, but there are definitely measures that can be safely taken to undo much vaccine poison damage. And sadly, just like the vaccines do not contain just one ingredient, there is no one measure which will help as a stand alone option. In fact, every single vaccine ingredient carries an entire catalogue of possible symptoms and side effects. The thing to remember is NEVER just expect good health if you do nothing to achieve it. Imagine not putting fuel, water or oil into your car - but expecting it to run just because you polished it. Imagine not putting nutrients or even seeds into soil but expect a crop because it rained.. Even more basic, imagine not putting ingredients into a dish to eat it. That is what many of us are doing yet expect a good outcome. The old standards - fresh air, sunlight, clean filtered water, sleep, exercise, relaxation, and healthy eating are the very basis of good health. But alone, thanks to the onslaught of environmental and pharmaceutical toxins, they are not enough. Your fridge, pantry and cupboards should be filled only with what is good. Leave the bad for that rare occasion - don't have them on hand to tempt you. Every home should have a well stocked dispensary. Leaving it to fate, waiting until you are sick, leaving it up to strangers to magically make your kids healthy with some miracle shot, rushing to ER in the middle of the night - this is the true cause of chronic and even terminal ill health. Healthy kids do not come magically from well baby visits or occasional poisoning at your local clinic. I guarantee that by the end of this article you will be shocked at how many natural and safe remedies exist for childhood - and adulthood - disease. But what about protecting my family from the same illnesses that vaccines are meant for? First, remember vaccines never have, and still do not protect, nor have they ever eliminated a single illness since they were first developed. Once you understand that, a little of the fear will dissipate. The truth is, every single illness for which vaccines exist, can be treated successfully using other means. If symptoms to any disease are apparent, ALWAYS refuse a vaccine as it is not only dangerous to administer at this time (and if your doctor or nurse showed you the practitioner package insert you would read the bold warning), but is completely ineffective simply because the reaction and actions triggered take time - and by the time this happens, the illness has already passed. In fact, once an illness develops, giving a vaccine or some other well used pharmaceutical drugs is the last thing you should do - it does nothing but trigger severe reactions. List of effective and safe treatments for existing vaccinated illnesses Firstly, as a homeopath, I recommend setting up not just a homeoprophylaxis kit, but a well stocked homeopathic dispensary - for protection and treatment purposes. It is a good idea to allow your child to build a natural immunity and for some childhood sicknesses, that means allowing exposure to the very things we are vaccinating for. This builds natural immunity and helps with various developmental stages, without which, children can not only fail to thrive but grow up with 'genetic' and so-called inherent weaknesses. Along with the list, and corresponding treatment or even preventative suggestions, is the homeoprophylaxis (preventative) and homeopathic treatment options. There is much scaremongering in the media concerning pneumococcal and meningococcal illness - however, there is also much research linking recent vaccination as the cause - especially as adjuvants present open the blood-brain barrier, allowing a usually sealed system to be exposed to introduced infection. The following is not all inclusive - in fact, there are thousands of natural remedies available around the world. What of all the other hundreds of communicable diseases? Right now, there are hundreds of vaccines in the works. Let's be honest - most of us think vaccines are a magical antidote. Thanks to movies planting the lies (guess who funds those movies?) None of them are needed. If you treat illness symptomatically instead of demanding a diagnosis - instead of expecting a stranger to care about your health more than you do, then you will be far more successful - and have far less side effects. Unlike vaccines, usually just one dose is enough. To keep in line with the vaccine schedule your homeopath may suggest repeat dosage, however this is not always necessary. Clinically, I have witnessed generations taking just the one dose and building such an immunity that when they are exposed to the most serious illness such as TB, they have a strong immunity while all around them, those who are fully vaccinated succumb to the illness. As so-called experts realise that vaccines are not working, and they increase dosage repetitions, and release more and more vaccines, all we need to remember is that it is totally unnecessary. There is always something in nature, and something in Edenic health care, that is already available to prevent and treat any symptoms which may arise. And keeping in with the times, Edenic health provides a suitable answer with each new vaccine. Only safer and more effective. For symptoms you find a little difficult to manage at home please always seek the assistance of someone qualified to assist in this matter. PROVIDE ALL A FAMILY NEEDS TO DEAL WITH ANY POSSIBLE HEALTH ISSUE. ALTERNATIVELY, BUILD YOUR OWN DISPENSARY. Do not forget analgesics when treating any illness accompanied by pain. At the bottom of this article is a link to all DIY measures you can take, which have helped with the symptoms of all symptom sets for which we are vaccinated. For help right now, to take the guesswork out, do what we do in our house - have all the necessary Chrysalis Original remedies on hand (sorry, these are not sold outside of Australia, however if you have a group of people wishing to set up, a bulk order can be sent anywhere in the world). FOR ANY SEVERE, LIFE THREATENING HEALTH SYMPTOMS, PLEASE SEEK URGENT PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION First and foremost, LAVA is the remedy to have on hand to deal with all symptoms of infection and fever. If taken early enough (within 24 hours on onset/exposure) the inclusion of Aconitum has historically (and clinically) ceased development and worsening of symptoms, preventing the health issue present from becoming a full-blown case. CLICK ON ALL RED LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EACH REMEDY Chicken Pox: LAVA for homeobiotic PIQUE for rash PSORA for pustules Diphtheria: TUSSIS for cough LAVA for homeobiotic PSORA for pustules LUMEN for upper respiractory tract inflammation Rubella: LAVA for homeobiotic PSORA for pustules PIQUE for rash Hepatitis (all): STASIS for liver cleansing and healing NATURA for cellular healing* OSMOSIS for digestive organ healing DYNAMOS for fatigue* HELIX for parasites HIB: LAVA for homeobiotic DYNAMOS for fatigue* TUSSIS for cough AGUE for flu type symptoms Flu (all): AGUE for all flu symptoms DYNAMOS for fatigue* TUSSIS for cough LUMEN for upper respiratory tract inflammation VERTEX for headache Measles: AUREUS for associated ear infections LAVA for homeobiotic PSORA for pustules PIQUE for rash Meningococcal: DYNAMOS for fatigue LAVA for homeobiotic PIQUE for rash Mumps: AUREUS for associated ear infections LAVA for homeobiotic VERTEX for headache LUMEN for upper respiratory tract inflammation Pneumococcal: AGUE for all flu like symptoms AUREUS for eye symptoms (photophobia) DYNAMOS for fatigue* TUSSIS for cough LAVA for homeobiotic Polio: DYNAMOS for fatigue and paralysis* LAVA for homeobiotic NEXUS for aches and pains REMEDIA for heavy metal clearing* Rotavirus: OSMOSIS for digestive imbalance HELIX for parasites LAVA for homeobiotic Tetanus: LAVA for homeobiotic PIQUE for puncture wounds VERTEX for headache EVOKE neurological relief TB: DYNAMOS for fatigue* LAVA for homeobiotic TUSSIS for cough OSMOSIS for digestive upset PIQUE for rash LUMEN for upper respiratory tract inflammation Whooping Cough: AUREUS for ear infections TUSSIS for coughing SPIRITUS for breathing difficulty LAVA for homeobiotic Covid: KATHARSIS for spike protein REMEDIA for vaccinosis* KARDIA for palpitations LUMEN for upper respiratory tract inflammation ADDITIONAL: Remedia for vaccine clearing (especially heavy metals)* Lumen for mucous (purulent) inflammation of head, chest, throat, ears and fever (old school tincture version of Fire Cider) Mosaic for micro minerals and rebuilding healthy tissue Osmosis for gastric symptoms associated with any of the above Vertex for headaches following vaccines or associated with any of the above Kardia for heart complaints following exposure Spiritus for breathing difficulties Pique & Tussis for mild allergic reactions Nexus for bone & muscle aches Evoke for neurological symptoms associated with the above Dynamos for lethargy, myalgia and fatigue associated with the above* Aureus for ear symptoms associated with the above Cutis for skin inflammations Helix for parasitic involvement Natura for cellular health and expulsion of healing toxins* * denotes remedies which can be ordered with or without silicea which is considered nature's scalpel as it is able to excrete unwanted matter and is an incredible healing tool. However, if you have implants of any kind in your body - pins, plates, pacemaker, contraceptive implant, breast implants, valves, etc please choose the option WITHOUT silicea. This may seem like a LOT, but when we consider the endless number of side effects of generational vaccination, weakened immune systems and the muddy waters of these 'diseases' we really need to be prepared for any outcome. With a relatively small number of remedies, we are able to deal with any of the issues as they arise. TO PART B: WHAT TO DO INSTEAD OF VACCINATION, INCLUDING PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OPTIONS. References Failure of first Innoculation (Jenner - smallpox) Original opposition to Vaccination (UK 1800s) Sanitation, not vaccinations (saved us) Vaccinated vs unvaccinated (surprise!) #Edenichealth #shouldIvaccinate #arevaccinessafe #alternativetovaccination #alternativestovaccines #naturalimmunity #ChipandJoannaGaines

  • Healing in God's Name...

    Trillions of dollars are spent worldwide annually, and have been all of this century & much of the latter part of the last one - 84% of the entire world's usable resources are spent on 'health care' - more than wars & global 'protection' yet the world has NEVER been sicker. Big statement to make I know, but think of these facts before all the old rhetoric comes out: What about the great plagues? What about famine years? What about the dark ages? What about all the diseases modern medicine has cured? What about our better quality of life? What about humans now living longer than ever before? What about scientific discoveries? While I was out walking this morning as the sun came up, my brain was barely able to focus while I thought about all the possible comments that would be screaming in the minds of people reading the headline of this article... So let's deal with all of the above in point form. The masses pray for healing ... ...while they chow down on fast food, takeaway chicken and cakes and biscuits, and consume/shoot up Babylonian poisons in the hope they will magically or miraculously be healed in His name. This one came to me when I was still very young and had not yet crossed the floor to natural health. Every week the church was full of sick and dying. How were so many Christians so sick? How could they be an example to others of His healing miracles, goodness and mercy? So many Christians are obese, prayers go up each Sunday for the healing of so many; and prayers for God to guide the doctors. The most common prayer requested online is for healing, even above financial prayers ... What? How can that even be when so many live below the breadline in this world? Like w-a-y below the breadline! I have lost count over the years of the number of people who agree to end their lives because the doctor has told them they will die at a specific time. I have had Christians come to me for advice, only to refuse to listen because a pastor has told them that natural health is demonic. So they accept death stemming from sickness which has come from unBiblical food, drugs, habits and emotions. "God's Will"... 'But more people died during the great plagues' History is repeating itself and no one wants to see. Great plagues only ever happened when the true quality of life ended. I don't mean wealth and luxury (read how Howard Hughes or King Henry VIII died despite not only obscene wealth but access to the best medical care - and you will understand). The great plagues of Europe were confined to the poorest areas, with appalling living conditions, little sunlight or clean water. Diets were high in meat for those who could afford it and putrid scraps for those who could not. Unlike the 'savages' of warm, clean healthy island nations who rarely saw disease other than those inflicted mechanically. Superstition counted for much in the old days. People who became sick were often starved, poisoned or left to die; there are many records of people not even dead being piled onto carts and burned with the dead. Today's convenient habit of history recalling covers up much truth. When sickly, vile nations conquered vibrant nations, they brought poor diet and disease, including often-terminal venereal disease and bred (usually by force) with locals, watering down genetic strength and changing the miasma to weaken future generations who eventually became dependent upon the new leadership. It is no secret that anyone who attempted to get the Truth out on this matter was vilified and career destroyed, while those who based their work on corrupt theory thrived and changed the face of medicine from symptomatic dedicated care to perpetuation of symptoms and monetary gain. The great influenza of 1918/19 was not the pandemic we are told; it only affected highly-populated areas where vaccines were given which set off the feeble immune system issues we still see today. Instead of seeing the truth, lead-coffin burials, superstition passing itself off as science, right through to modern exhumation of bodies and ... you guessed it ... making and stockpiling new vaccines for when the next outbreak occurs. 'But you weren't there,' I hear you say. Nor were any of the so-called epidemiological researchers who use this as ammunition. I read records by people who lived in Europe at the time who lived it & remember it. And I have read articles & news reports that were NOT funded by the scaremongering tactics at the time. A little perspective The influenza plague killed 50 million globally (half of these were attributed to aspirin poisoning) The spread did not occur until vaccines were given to troops, who in turn became ill and the 'flu' magically affected people only where they were stationed. * the above figures were once - as in altogether over the period of the epidemic - ie years Meanwhile.... 10 million die annually of cancer globally 20 million die annually of heart disease globally 3 million die annually of obesity globally Over 300 million die annually from medical effects & error globally * the above figures are every single year In 2018 Bill Gates announced that 30 million WILL die of a global epidemic. Wait, what? He knows the truth yet those figures can be used to create mass hysteria and fear. "But famine though ..." Humans cause famine. It really is that simple. Some of the main reasons, when all linked together to result in famine, include: Political conflict (barriers, laws, restrictions, embargoes, privilege) Political issues affecting resolution of ongoing issues (including financial) Meat and dairy industry (70% of food crops are spent on feeding meat and dairy animals which are fed to the lucky 30% top group of the world's population. As in plague eras, the remaining populations eat the scraps/leftovers. Weather and pollution - industry and pollution are destroying our planet. Ripping out the 'guts' of one area cannot fail to affect downstream in a negative way. It can be as simple as mining an area, or building a sea groin while taking out vital coastal habitat to change an entire region. Poisoning our waterways by dumping and poisons such as Roundup/glyphosate - which, like DDT, are having catastrophic effects globally. More people die today from basic lack and the effects of western world greed, than ever before; more than the great wars, more than the plague eras. More propaganda is still focused on those needless deaths and suffering during a relatively short period today than the exponentially higher number of deaths annually worldwide. In Uganda alone, every single day the equivalent of 9/11 happens from basic lack. One country. Meanwhile over 12 MILLION deaths a YEAR happen from unhealthy environments. 10 MILLION deaths a YEAR could soon happen from so-called superbugs which in reality are nothing more than overuse of medications and mismanagement. Just let that sink in - every single year more deaths than from any plague era. Man-made. More than that, pharma-made. Medical error is supposdly the 3rd leading cause of death in the western world (while the other two, are caused by incorrect diets and lifestyles supported by the industry. But don't expect the WHO to announce that; they are too busy diverting attention and pushing the next wonder drug. Stats from the 3rd world are used cleverly to muddy the overall statistical numbers. Paid skeptics are out in force dismissing the truth. Incorrect diet (despite all the diets out there, despite a multi billion dollar nutrition industry) is the leading cause of deaths globally. Infertility is on the rise, more than ever in history thanks to vaccines, toxic baby care and venereal disease. In the US alone, over 125 MILLION people visit ER every year. That is almost 1 in 2 people. Half the population. It is roughly estimated that 1/100 people now suffer auto-immune disease which stems from man made toxic damage over many generations. For much of this there is no permanent cure. Mental health is a trillion dollar industry and on the rise - and seen as a common issue. - kind of makes everything else all of a sudden become very pale and obscure, doesn't it? Modern medicine and science ... There is no doubt that developments in knowledge and science have brought about some amazing inventions and discoveries. But have you ever heard of the adage 'Can't see the wood for the trees'? When things become so distant from their focal point, their baseline or their origins that facts no longer matter; this is where modern medicine is at today: Before a newborn even has a chance to develop, it is shot full of chemicals so that ANY illness can be dismissed as 'genetic'. This was not enough so now, pregnant women are forcefully being shot up in a morbid Frankenscience data collection study in full view yet secret, so that vaccines at birth can no longer be blamed. Rather than feeding nutrients or even clean water, starving 3rd world individuals afflicted by the worst of poverty and lack, are given vaccines and antibiotic shots which destroy immunity and gut health. When presented with an infection, a doctor will not focus on gut health or blood health (which are the basis of all health imbalance) but give antibiotics which further damage both blood and gut biome. Officialdom dismisses ALL (Edenic) alternative modalities which can work miracles in both emergency and acute/chronic health issues, or opts for surgery to rip out an organ rather than rebuild with something as simple as diet or supplementation. People are kept artificially alive, barely existing on medications that cover up symptoms rather than ever actually healing. 'Treatments' for man made diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease are so toxic that they can poison the body to the point of death. Few die of these illnesses; they die of toxicity. The bulk of modern medical experts ride on the coat tails of true miracle workers such as micro-surgeons and all-rounder family doctors without so much as following up a single case other than flogging off their pharma-rep's monthly quota suggestion. But we have a better quality of life ... Today we have access to everything - the 'best' of medicine for free, organic food, the best chef-cooked inventions yet no one sees what is going on. How many fit, healthy chefs do you know? No, the bulk of them are obese and so busy inventing new dishes with appalling ingredients based on meat, dairy and sugar, that once again the wood has disappeared behind the trees. How many healthy, fit doctors and nurses do you know? Even nutritionists are trained from the same meat, GMO, dairy and sugar industry books from which doctors and home economics experts receive all their knowledge. We live in artificial environments with more toxicity within our homes than in the toxic environment outside. We apply and ingest more chemicals than ever before via our skin care, personal care, hair care, cosmetics, cleaning products - even the vapour from our furniture are embedding chemical cocktails within our bodies that have clear health warnings on them in their original state. We cover our children with UV protection & sanitisers, wipe our surfaces in all manner of germ killers (which in turn kill off vital good bugs which are essential for health - and life). Parents actually argue against allowing their children to get dirty or a speck of sunlight. Those vitamins B12 (soil/dirt) and D (sunlight) are intrinsic to the network of our very extensive and complex health structure and parents are actually robbing their children of the basic building blocks of life. So they are admitted to hospitals with chronic and terminal illness - robbed further of the same nutrients, forcefed toxic chemicals and acidic diets. There is no better quality of life. There is no proof we are living longer. There have always been examples of people living past the expected age. The only time people throughout history have lived short lives is when they have lived in shocking situations and circumstance as outlined above. Today, it is rare to see a single person over the age of 30 who is not dependent upon pharmaceutical meds. 1 in 3 children are obese. 1 in 3 will develop cancer. Pregnant women are being shot full of poisons which cross the placental and blood/brain barrier. People in the first world actually exist, who have never consumed water or vegetables. ... and we are back to asking the masses to pray for healing ... God forbid any dares suggest Edenic living ...

  • No Jab No Shop

    Don't laugh. When the whole No Jab travesty began being waved about many people did just that. Seriously, who would have thought, as recently as 2011, that anyone who has known neurological or auto immune disease, or has lost a loved one to recorded, proven vaccine side effects, would be banned from schools, jobs or day care? Who would have thought that single parents who have escaped domestic violence and struggle with autistic or otherwise brain damaged children and living below the poverty line, could now be taken to court to have their children force vaccinated? Or had surviving children legally kidnapped by official sectors set up to protect them - while having benefits cut? Who would have ever thought that those who don't agree to medical ideals which were not compulsory until now, could be labelled terrorists? Or ignorant and paid members of the public and professional sectors demanding to have their children removed or worse still, killed? Or called baby killers by the media? All of the measures rolled out in the last few years have been pre-warned. I am not necessarily talking about George Orwell's Big Brother. Or popular shows like Teen Wolf warning us of Dread Doctors. Or even movies such as World War Z. The media, long known to be heavily in the pockets of Big Pharma (while popular medical choices are heavily biased by Big Pharma funding) always pre-curse these situations before they take place or are even passed within our governmental laws. In fact, right now, depending upon your media choices, your government leaders are taking their cues and sourcing 'fact' from journalists without appropriate education, and those whose income is sourced from Big Pharma. Headlines scream... One would be excused for believing simple symptoms are diseases capable of mass destruction, leaving giant swaths of dead bodies in their wake, despite knowledge and logical capabilities sobbing quietly in the recesses of our conscience. While millions of deaths from causes that don't matter to decision makers continue unabated. But if you know how to read the news, how to decipher what is really being said, you can see the truth. Prior to every new threat, there is ample news reporting. All stuff that is made of real scaremongering which few can see. Today in Australia, the very clever spin doctors are onto a new agenda under the guise of two very different but inextricably linked ideals. Connect the dots... Driving licence ID photos to be stored in national database to identify terrorists. To be used in public places such as ... shopping centres & airports public transport & public gatherings schools & workplaces hospitals & universities Meanwhile, the latest vaccine-related media scaremongering campaign on every news break, current affair program, newspaper - with full support and guidance from medical leaders and government involves (drum roll).... Shopping centres University Train stations Airports MCG Headlines of the latest headline outbreak 'sparks health scare'. That would be false flag media reporting sparks mass hysteria. People are doubling up on unnecessary vaccines, scared to go out of their homes while doctors' surgery waiting rooms are packed. ER departments are seeing more than the usual number of cases of people thinking they are now dying. Take a look at any mummy-related social media page to see women smart enough to breed, asking if everyday symptoms such as nappy rash, pimples or even scratches & bruises are measles, with the faux concern type comments of, 'you can never be too careful. Go to your doctor.' You could not make this stuff up (unless you were media) - I even read a popular mother's page with a thread on the topic of taking a toddler swimming into their own pool - 'Could Johnny now have measles because we dipped his toes in the pool and I am not sure if that is safe at his age as he has not had all his shots...' The question was stupid enough but the responses left me concerned for the human race and intellect of people breeding future generations. Now, how long do you think it will be, until the above two scaremongering dots are connected surreptitiously in order to supposedly make Australia a 'safer place'? Even our national leader is proudly boasting that our digital imaging will be scanned at shopping centres and other larger places of gathering. Add that to the microchipping they have been promoting of late. I can see it already. Your face is scanned and your microchip scanned at any entry to your preferred place of gathering. Not vaccinated? Missed one vaccine? Or booster #25? Refused some dodgy pharma treatment or unnecessary surgery? Alarms go off, automatic doors come down, security is in yo' face with guns. As I said, don't laugh. You already did that and look where we are. C'MON 'STRAYA! As they say, not all conspiracy is theory. And in 2022 we are in lockdown because of a virus that cannot be detected. That's right. The 'treatments' are owned by the same pharma giants while safe, natural effective healing methods are near outlawed. And try to go into a shop - ANY shop. Most are closed. What do you think comes next? #nojabnoplay #nojabnoay #nojabnoshop #nojabnotravel

  • The Yoyo Game of Banned Medication

    Chances are, your current meds have been banned somewhere in the world at some time. Right now in Australia the 'experts' running the TGA, Pharmacy Board, AMA and the media - not to mention the puppets in Canberra, are pushing for one such drug to be the greatest thing in pain relief - if I had time I would do the dot - dot - dot thing and make you scroll down. But I don't, so I wont. Can you guess though what it is? Blink and you will miss it, but chances are you have been conned already. Naprogesic - Nuromol - any other ridiculous combination with both ibuprofen AND paracetamol. Ibuprofen was, incidentally, banned years ago. Now that they are trying to get more doctor kickbacks and putting analgesics that actually work (paracetamol/codeine combinations) onto the PBS, despicable ads spruiking weak options as strong pain relievers are everywhere. Placebo effect... And people are falling for it. I wonder how long this placebo con will last? I have no doubt some people will feel placebo benefits - anything is possible. But strong pain does not respond to water. Or aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol. Unless you are happy to support over funded pain clinics who try to tell you that you must just put up with pain. Drugs are banned for a reason. Side effects are real. Including death. Ibuprofen has been linked to catastrophic side effects. Including death. What pharmaceutical drugs have been banned but are still being prescribed? Some of the banned medications are not combinations however, strong warnings have been made not to combine certain medications. While doctors are happy to give dark warnings against combining natural health supplements with medications (funny, considering the warnings are usually only because they have a cleansing effect, so wont 'protect' the body with the drug for 24 hours) they are loathe to advise that the very drugs they are loading should never be taken together. It is not uncommon for elderly and chronically unwell to be on more than half a dozen different contraindicated medications. ALL research is now available on the internet for experts and public alike Don't take my word for it. Make WebMD your friend. This is NOT 'Dr Google' - this is doing the job your health care provider can't be bothered doing. Also, don't just check consumer side effect lists. Check the practitioner information - it is proof positive that there is information that they do not want you to know. Voltaren (diflocenac) with paracetamol - prescribed like lollies to the elderly. Heparin with voltaren - a large portion of aged 'care' prescribes both. Cough syrups containing ammonium chloride + sodium citrate + chlorpheniramine maleate + menthol - over-the-counter medicines - who can be bothered actually reading or researching the labels? Discloxy - combination of discloxicillin and flucloxycillin - and they wonder why drug resistance is such a huge problem? Lipitor with Metformin - a common combination given in obese diabetics... Ritalin/Adderall - still prescribed to Aussie kids and across other western nations. Nembutal/pentobarbital - still given to elderly, migraine sufferers, asthmatics, anxiety, insomniacs and mental health patients. Acomplia - suicide is a common side effect of many banned drugs still available. Temafloxicin - don't worry, just change the name and voila, no trail. Temazepam - just give it other names and no one is the wiser. Thalidomide - back in circulation as a chemo drug... Digesic/Doloxene - you can still buy over the counter at discount pharmacies. Diane-35 - contraception. As an acne treatment, capable of clots and strokes? Telfast - banned overseas, given a new name and shiny advertising and e voila, magically no longer causes cardiac arrest. Mibefradil/Posicor - hypertension and angina - but don't worry, it'll only dangerously slow your heartbeat down... Ecstasy - apparently okay if your doctor prescribes it to you as MDMA, for PTSD... Tylenol/paracetamol - after vaccinations, can heighten the side effects of the vaccine. Hence the horror stories we are hearing of infants with supposed contagious diseases. This is just the tip of the corrupt iceberg that is big pharma. Much investigation is being conducted into stakeholders of pharma companies manufacturing these drugs. We are talking multi million dollar fines, yet few recalls of these drugs. And doctors are still pushing them as the best options. The findings are a little more than interesting - conflict of interest is alive and well in our media and politics. If India is aware of this (and Indian doctors are not considered worthy of practising outside of India by western god doctors) why don't our doctors? Why are some drugs banned in SOME countries but not others? As if one's nationality magically becomes immune to side effects. It's starts at the top - our PM and his wife major stakeholders. How much is your doctor getting in kickbacks? Political parties major stakeholders in the pharma game. All I can do is what I have done since even before I left nursing - stop relying on someone else to make you well: Change your diet. Set up a home health dispensary. Remove poisons from your home. Stop bad habits. Find natural alternatives. See your NATURAL health professional if symptoms persist. Only then, if you still don't have answers, THEN see your doctor. #Bannedmedications #Drugrecalls #Dangerousmedications

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