ADHD comes in many shapes and sizes yet all cases are placed under the umbrella of unwanted neurodiversity that must be medicated out of existence, if for no other reason than to make us feel better about things.
The truth is, the person truly affected is in what amounts to extreme neurological pain; imagine turning up the volume on everything - anxiety, frustration, fear, anger, activity, tiredness, noise - that feeling of wanting to jump out of your skin.
Look into the eyes of any person affected & you will know why most responses are futile. No amount of reasoning, threats, warnings or cajoling will alter the loss of control of this extreme wiring activity going on under the surface.
There is no one cause. Likewise, there is no one treatment. Let that sink in.
Popular treatment involves what amounts to legal drugging. Does no one see how strange it is that these same drugs can cost someone a jail term if used socially, a single pill? Yet these kids are forced to take them every day for their own good? I am yet to see a single case, adult or child, needing such extreme measures. 'Tests' amount to box-ticking rather than extensive testing to determine heavy metal toxicities, spinal alignment or neurological activity nor does it take into account chemical exposure, epigenetics, dietary triggers, EMF exposure, light exposure, food additives, gut microbiome, medication effects, perfumes (nerve toxins) or something as innocuous as a sip of the wrong drink.
As mentioned, no two cases are exactly the same but that can be said for any health issue. So why are they treated the same? Why is it more attractive to dull the senses and sedate or stimulate rather than getting to the heart of the matter?
Even visiting someone's house or going to the shops can be toxic to the affected individual. Imagine every line in the image above is a nerve. She does not want to see or be seen when feeling this way. She also does not want to speak.
It is painful and has her in tears. And yet, she is a young adult - imagine how confusing it must be for children.
Pyroluria is just one diagnosis that is linked to ADHD - high copper levels. Yet out of all the cases I have seen, only one was tested for copper toxicity. It is also linked to schizophrenia and bipolar; that is how serious this is.
But that is only a portion of the story. Doctors and pædiatricians alike refuse to entertain the notion that both antibiotics and vaccines are not only linked but causative. While package inserts may not tell the parent the full story, the practitioner information that you are not privy to, certainly does.
Recorded and researched effects post vaccine and post antibiotic include hundreds of symptoms and disorders but for the sake of this article I will stick to ADHD type symptoms:
Behavioural disturbances
Muscle and joint pain
Brain damage
Memory loss
Brain infections
The crux is that we have a growing number of people who are not considered neutrotypical but that is measured by a false perception of what 'normal' is. The education system is not geared toward regular kids (it was designed to make people compliant and to work on command) - it is a nightmare for ADHD kids so we drug them.
The busyness of life, absent parents (children raised in childcare from 6 seeks old), eroding open spaces for play & activity, a more sendtary lifestyle; all of these impact the way the child develops & embraces life.
People are too busy to deal with the fallout so enter the relatively new arena in pædiatrics, dealing with atypical kids (and now, adults). It is a huge money-making racket to keep people compliant.
One common denominator is that all cases I have worked with, all say the same thing - history of certain medications - all have triggers but they are difficult to identify.
They all claim to live in a toxin free house (we need to come to some agreement on just what that is).
Most exist on a sub-standerd diet but are all triggered by pseudo foods laden with additives, glyphosate, heavy metals, colours and the long list of 'fortification' of unnecessary synthetic nutrients. Few know what it is like to eat wholefood.
Many are loathe to change old habits out of stubbornness or concern of upsetting the child. Yet it is often as simple as identifying triggers and working around them.
I developed what I called Pacific (pacify) which helps calm & dissipate the neurological snowstorm, panic, frenzy, fear, loss of control. This is a temporary measure but works longer the more frequently it is administered.
It is non-addictive and so effective that children ask for it when they identify their cues. This remedy is palliative, offering comfort and relief as needed. It is based on Rescue Remedy but goes much deeper into traumas and panic - carry at all times and use when there is loss of control.
Another palliative treatment option is the choice of Bach & Gem essences which aid emotional healing. Depending on the individual, it may be anger, rage & temper (Lyssa) or it could be a case of sensory & behavioural issues (Lexi).
There are other options for associated issues such as fear of change, confidence, grief & loss, traumas or even phobias.
Dysbiosis is a common problem today. It simply means catastrophic imbalance of micro flora of the entire digestive system and the fallout is immeasurable. While probiotics will help, something much strong (but just as gentle) is needed to eradicate the flourishing beasts that are damaging not only the neurological system but the blood.
Focus & neurological balance are major players in ADHD; determination & willpower are over-ridden by what is going on internally and what most do not realise is that there are many natural healing options to counteract this imbalance.
Axis is taken ongoing for as long as needed, to gently bring about equilibrium.
Heavy metals are almost 100% always a factor in ADHD. Even if the child has not been vaccinated, epigentic damage has often taken place in the parents and weaknesses have been passed on. It is the same with medications, environmental toxins, household toxins, food additive toxins, pesticides and so on.
If heavy metals in general are not a concern, copper may still be an issue due to the fact our water pipes are copper. Once you read the article above it will make sense.
As you can see, it is not EVER a case of, "Here, take this pill." So much influences our health. There are healing frequencies available for free on youtube (just search "frequencies ADHD or calming") or you can look into your own personal devices. I recommend Qi Life Mini for this purpose - as well as a thousand other purposes you could only dream of.
I implore you to seek the support of a pædiatric osteopath or chiropractor. A pædiatric psychologist is often required just to deal with coping mechanisms and understanding.
Also, clean up your environment. If it is not natural, you most likely do not need it. You cannot possibly smell so bad that your house needs deodorisers and chemical cleaning agents, or that your bodies need strong chemical perfumes and sprays. You can literally watch an exposure and count down minutes until triggered.
If your child states that certain light colours or buildings make them feel uncomofrtable or you notice changes, listen! Both fluorescent & LED lights are known triggers, as is blue light (I have seen ADHD kids throw up or pass out just staring at them).
Every manmade substance is capable of out-gassing. Carpets, furniture, new clothes, paints, building materials. Sadly too many will say it is all too hard and it's easier to just pop a pill. Meanwhile, other illnesses are beign created both by the pill and by the chemicals.
I am an advocate of homeschooling. My own ADHD child would not be the scholar that she is, if we had adhered to the manipulative, unhealthy school system.
There is no way around it; food MUST be wholefood. No packet food, no additives, colours or sugar. You may as well give your kids heroin; it has the same effects. It means making all food from scratch. Organic is best but if budget is a factor, then washing all fresh food in water to which either bicarb or apple cider vinegar - or food grade hydrogen peroxide - is a must. You can also grow your own or buy from farmer's markets; preferably spray free. If this one simple measure is not done, NOTHING else is going to work.
Finally, there will no doubt be some gnashing of teeth by readers who adhere to the status quo. That is YOUR prerogative, for. But what right do you have to choose what isn't right - or fair - for your child? You don't know what YOU don't know. That does not mean it is not a valid, effective method. It does not explain why millions of ADHD cases around the world thrive without hyper-medication.
I truly hope you use the resources below and do some real research into your choices.